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21 July, 2010

Cool ring ?? Me likeeeee!
Credit to Claire.
Anyway, I'm dead tired now and still waiting for dear to come over here and bring me out for supper. I think im dying alr. Argh. Hate IA so damn bloody much please. i cant seem to do every single thing ):
Thank you kah kit, chun kiat, jia wei, samuel and jun hao . And No thanks to Desmond and bunch of assholes. _|_ you guys for making so much noise in IA hate(dont make me plug out the wires kay).
Hate you for not helping me too!!
I am angry! & LIPSTIX, Sylvie


John Valentine said...

Aww.. Sorry sylvia! Okay, on behalf of the rest, we're really sorry for making so much noise and distracting all of you who were working hard on your projects.. Sorry yea? =/ Cookie? :)

Sylvia said...

(: Not angry with you lahhhh. Didnt hear your voice also. I'm like so irritated with Cihui they all. And at night, Alvin and the rest was freaking noisy. And our poor xin yi was really pissed off as well ): Poor her. I guess we were all too stressed up