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19 July, 2010

A day without laughter is a day wasted.

Today was like any other original Monday ): I HATE MONDAY.
Had database lab > database lecture > tested netinfra till late > meeting > HSH
And i thought my week wasnt worst enough, I cant meet Bi tmr ): Wtf. How i wish i can see him everyday uh. Ive this stupid thing lately to see my boyf everyday. Mad uh.
Anyway, I'm guilty for not going camp on Friday. I said i'll go but ended up shopping at TM. 
Sorry if I've disappointed some of you.. Really, this would be the last time and mark my words. 
Let's make Ihub a better one !! Heehee
So far we have 2 successful events and our next big big event will be Camppppp!!
Like cant wait to be busyyyyyyy ( lol, as if im not busy enough!) and meet new freshies.

alright. Need to rush my proj naooooo. Byexzxzx

Ending off with this & LIPSTIX, Sylvie

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