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26 April, 2011

Year 3 Day 1 & 2

I wanna do my nose! ): And my eyes ): And restructure my bones, I've sucha fat faceeeeee. Gosh!

Hellloooooooooo I felt so old now, from year 1 to year 2 and now I'm a senior in year 3.
I get to know many people and completed countless projects. And now we are facing out last project for Nanyang Primary!! And if everything went smoothy, the application gonna be used Island wideeeeeee. Weee~

It's only the second day and I'm feeling tired alr, I'm sick off wearing jeans to school! I want my shorts and slipper leh. We cannot even wear slipper and change into covered shoe after that.

Go girls!! We can do it!!
Stuck in the lab from 8.30AM to 5.30AM (5 day work week) ):


Anna said...

In my personal opinion, your face looks very pretty and does not need help of scalpel ;)

Anonymous said...

Xiao jie, very pretty already la~