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23 April, 2011

Flying Kite With B

Yay! My blog turns 3 this month!!

We had...Sushi Tei at East Cost. Sucks to the max!

And we bought a kite at seven eleven (impromptu decision again) off we go to Marina Barrage!!!!

Our first kite! We tried for almost 1 hour and manage to get the kite up. But after 5 mins the string broke ):
B was super angry and we went to Carrefour to get another kite. Another pathetic one

Our second kite! Super ugly one. But we broke this kite yesterday and had a new one ^^ much nicer (I think)
Tell you.. we damn sway one, this kite was up not close to 5 mins and it starts to rain.. wth lah ):

Trying very hard to capture us and the rainbow behind

Saw the double rainbow?!! Pretty much!

This marks the end of our day and also the start of our kite flying addiction!! Happy us!

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