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28 February, 2011

why do you need a boyfriend?

The content of this blog entry is not intended to “malign any religion, ethnic group, club, organization, company, or individual,” or anyone or thing, especially those with the ability and desire to fight back.

Today, I surprise that my mom said K is quite a nice guy. And today, Tingwen (joking) told my mom that K give me 2 more years. Mom went to collect her dress at MNG (oh btw, I really want to get a top and pouch over there) and her friend told her something and went we're on the way home, she suddenly asked me what's his pay. I told her $ and she was like hmmm..你觉得这样养家会辛苦吗?
(But seriously, how much $ is consider enough? Must he be like a fucking millionair? Money doesn't matters as long as we are happy right, no?)

I know it's a little too early to plan about this kind of thing and i understand that being a mother, she wants the best for her daughter. I'm not too sure about this though, obviously my mom wouldn't want me to have a husband in the sales line cos its a "no day no night" kind of work, even Saturday&Sunday also must work. Where got time for family?!

And she went on like ... 你要想清楚哦,你还年青以后进大学或做工找到更好的怎么办?
I went to tell her about how my friend's boyfriend gg army and she will be working by that time, we all are so young and why are we dating now? Are we dating just for that "feel" or you think that he is THE one? If you know that you guys won't have any future, why still being together? Why let each other fall in love so deeply when you know that he's not the type that you are going to spent your life together?

And this led me on google about "Why do you need a boyfriend"
HAHA, I did this "do I need a Bf" quiz. This is the result -____-

Actually I've several answers on my mind

1) You are looking for a husband
2) You are lost and lonely
3) Because everyone has it
4) Just for fun
5) You are a freaking 40 year old virgin that need to get fuck badly ):

What my mom always tell me is that dating is when you think you're ready to look for a partner for life.
If you're dating just for the sake of dating (eg: You think you really love him but see no future with him) then why waste time and effort on him? Or are you waiting for one day, that day when he's gonna dump you and hurt you?

I remember when I was younger, I used to date anybody (ANY!) who like me, only 1 of them I fell like so in love and in the end he broke up with me for another girl ):
I guess due to peer pressure? Or at that point of time I think going steady(not so) with someone else is quite COOL!

But as somebody who has been there and done that, I advise you enjoy the things that being a young adult brings while you can. Don't try and rush in to a relationship, because it happens when you don't expect it. And it will happen, just not yet.
Be patient, and enjoy your youth :)
(Am I still consider youth?lol)

Ps; you can try reading this article to see if your relationship is getting serious or not.

Also read..."Is you Boyfriend a PLP (potential-life-partner)" & LIPSTIX, Sylvie


Anonymous said...

moral of the post???


Anonymous said...

Can I like shake hands with u?! Lol. Ur post reflects bout wad it is on me. But no wry, dont take this so hard & affect both of u, takes time. Cos we r all still young & working hard ((:

Sylvia said...

wq: for me to know for you to find out(:

manda: man! Didn't know you have this kind of problem. Well, I just write some nonsense here and forget about it afterwards. Maybe I'm thinking too much?

Anonymous said...

Not tt u r thinking too much. But the best way is to nt tink bout it! Lol (: trust tt e boys work day & nite for the future. I admit I haf high expectation from wl too, but tink tink nag nag jiu suan le. Hahaha

Sylvia said...

HAHA.. Think think nag nag can change things jiu hao. I'm afraid of the future with him. What about next time IF we really start a family. He's gonna be like that forever how?!

Anonymous said...

Hais I also worry :( olwas trying to not tink. It's olwas bout this issue tt makes me get annoyed & thou he did nth wrong, we still end up quarrelling -.- if e pay doesn't match wad a family needs, I seriously pray they change a jobby soon :( ah bo we gals r e one feeling stress with them -.- Hahaha really gotta shake hands with u, same issue, same thoughts.

Sylvia said...

Haha, oh well. I'm happy currently so don't think so much unless my parents asked me about him and I will start thinking again ): YEA! Shake hands man Hope they change job soon uh! Haha