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01 March, 2011

End of semester party + Movie

Went back to school today for some party thingy. The food so far was the best ever, even cheaper than what we normally had (sandwich, fish balls)

Finally say good bye to publicity, ihub room ): and meetings! Maybe SEAL points too?! I alr got an A for it so doesn't matter much. But I sure do miss the room, rushing proj and doing last min work there. AH! Memories..

During refreshment, Dan and I came up with this funny ideas...We sneak into the LT and did this!!
Amazing and I ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ the effect of the pictures.

Can tell what he's trying to write??

♥ this. Cool or what!

Guys are guys, they get bored and start doing this ZZZ!

Back to normal self

Bored x 1

Bored x 2

Butterfly me

Caught " I AM NUMBER FOUR" with the guys plus Jen. And HELL NUMBER 6 WAS DAMN HOT I SWEAR OMGGG!
Girl in Ducati is HOT to the maxzzz! Definitely encourage me to take up bike lesson!!

We are at LJS with fav fries. Accidentally had a wee bit of clam chowder and lucky Jen reminded me.
Oh, note to self: REMOVE my freaking banadge if not later my skin rot! LOL

Artsy shot I've here! AW and he looks like a little boy. Heh!

Ending picture of super cute 哲敬. <3 !!! & LIPSTIX, Sylvie

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