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24 January, 2011

Birthday Week (Part 2)

Old Town, 3rd time this week.
They had the awesomest coffee. You must try their Hazelnut coffee.

Rose soda, over-priced prata

Curry with steam bun


Spamming photos all the way and played Creeps! Currently hook onto the game. B always use the game to threaten me ):
After lunch/dinner, we watched Solomon Kane at Cine... The front part was so bored but the movie got better towards the end. So overall it's still not bad lah.

B came down of Fri cos he made me angry. He too, helped me change my bedsheets only because I'm angry

Nakhon Kitchen at Kovan on Friday night for dinner.
A small shop located at Kovan that serves Thai food. (Quite famous one) Even on weekdays, we waited for close to 1/2 an hour. But the food came quite fast once we settle down, I'm so famished by the time and B ordered quite alot.

Love thai ice tea

1) Seafood tom yam soup, clear base. They've another type which I forgotten what it was.
I think the prawn got small in size cos from what I googled the prawns were much bigger 2 years back.
I love tom yam but I can't take it when I've to drink the soup only. Too spicy and sour, it burns my throat literally.

Fried chicken with garlic, normal...B like this

I was looking high and low for this, (fried tang hoon in thai style) cos the ones I had at Orchard Towel (Jane's Thai food) was so so god damn nice. But this was quite dissappointing ): Not salty enough):

Thai green curry. B fav of all. I dont really like it cos the curry has this weird taste... Or is it me? Green curry always has this weird taste ): We sure gg back there again for more normal curry. Haha

Pork Ommelte. FAV!!

Baby kailang (I think)

Food at the table, only 2 of us. We ordered too muchhhhhh.

WE STILL GOT DESSERT!! OMFG. Tapioca with coconut milk. I'm too full by that time to eat this. But it's nice. Love the coconut milk, awesome combination with the tapioca.
AH! Hate blogging about food. Makes me hungry every single time!!!

Overall I give it a 3.5/5 . Nice food, good service. But I waited too long for seats and the place is too warm to eat tomyam!!

Creeps FTW!

Heee(: Starting to love my 19th birthday(:(:(:

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