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25 January, 2011

Let's Sweets! Japanese dessert buffet.

B and I were so excited to had our lunch at Let's Sweet ( such a kawaii name by the way)
As the name suggests, there's tons of dessert for you to choose from and the best part is there's main course too!!
Jap pizza and pasta. Love the pasta more.

The dessert corner

Love the colour of the dessert!! So yummy! *slurp*

Making ice cream crepe on the spot, 3 different kinds to choose from

Sadly, it has a timing ): Only 80 mins.

Love dessert!

This is mangoooooo

FYI I photoshopped the falsie on cos I've just download new set (AWESOME PAIR EVER) So I tried on with some of my photos and after that I got lazy. So some pictures are with falsie while some don't.
SIGH! Again, blame my short asian lashes ): ): I did spammed mascara but useless la.

My mouth stuff with chocolate!! Omfg so fat -__-

B rubbing his fat tummy!!

We went on taking 2nd round of dessert, afterall it's a DESSERT buffet what. Of cos eat dessert more than main course.

I got this blue thingy cos I think it has a very nice ocean blue (: Taste sucky though.

Really beautiful blue that I fail to capture ):

"Got hole in my hair!!" *pout*

Let's Sweet is quite affortable, $14.80/$18.80 for weekday lunch and dinner per pax. And gurantee full lor, with all those sweet stuffs(: (:

After that we had bubble tea! I tired  我爱太妹 for the first time
They came up with such an interesting names. If you are not familiar with Taiwan artise you probaly won't get
it cos their combo sets are named after Taiwan celebrities!! HOW COOL!!

Happy me with I love Taimei's honey lemon drink. Way way over-priced drink ): S$3 plus leh!!

Home cooked dinner with B (:

I was busy playing with Creeps!! AHH super addictive I tell you. But I did help him sometimes.

Our simple dinner(: Never fail to make me smile (: (: (:

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