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29 December, 2010

Day 1 without baby ):

Hello ): I'm feeling quite empty now 'cause my baby is freezing now in Korea, -7 is what he updated me 2 hours ago. Bloody cold there sia. He told me he got me a faceshop eyeshadow (the shade I wanted) in SGD 4 only!! Mad cheap!! He also got me a handcream and I was like wth my hand need that meh? Heehee I miss miss miss him like mad. Me getting all so emotional sometimes when he's not with me ): Sigh!

Day one down,  6 more days to go (:

Oh 29 Dec 2010, I failed my TP ): Sucks to the max can. Freaking nervous when I was in THE room waiting. One by one being called out, I was the last 3 to be called. My heart almost fell out. I thought things were alright till parallel parking I reverse in and out, forward and backward (normally this won't happen k!) didn't know that I took that long, over 5 mins thus immediate failure ): I knew something was wrong when doing parking, I started to fret and the rest was history. Tester said I drive too slow-__- like wtf please I'm not really that slow and didn't he heard before the phrase call " Slow and steady win the race" ? Other errors like "not enough accleration" also one of them. Aiya, but I zai zai know I cmi alr (sad right!!) went back to collect result and when the tester start to point out my error, I couldnt hold back my tears (just like how I couldn't hold back my tears when talking to Kenny) and started to cry. The tester asked me " Why you cry? Are you afraid of me or your own driving?" Then I replied "My driving..."

Saw my warm-up instructor and I shake my head.. Show him the paper. The first thing he do was flip over the result slip, looking at the name of the tester. Then he was like "Wahhh XX tester is one of the 善良 tester around leh" And I  ): ): ): ): ): ): ): ): ): after that. YES DURING WARM UP I PARK LESS THAN 1 MIN K. BLOODYFUCKER . WHY AM I LIKE THAT WHY DO I HAVE TO FAIL WHY AM I SO SLOW, SO SLOWWWWW WHY MUST IT BE LIKE THIS WHY AM I SO NERVOUSSSS ARGH! PLS KILL ME PLS PLS PLS. *scream and cry like a bitch* I've no one to blame except myself, I've no one to complain except my blog which allows me to type, scold, bitch whatever I one. I can write whatever shit and blame everyone around me and truly deeply inside me I'm blaming myself for everything...
Alright alright I'm being emo and all 'cause Kenny is not around. Why he must be at the other part of the world like nowwww when I need him the most?


Monday with bff. Original plan was spa, movie(I think) & dinner. BECAUSE of driving I've to skip spa ): and movie at PS dinner at Jane's YOGGI BEARRRR was awesome yoggi the fat bear <3 x 1000 and booboo awwwww I want a talking bear too (:

Bff <3 We were ALL in a camwhore mood . Took like alot but most of it with Ting

Jane's thai food at Orchard Tower, food there was cheap and nice.

Fried dong fen (vermicelli) My fav out of all the other dishes. It has this fried taste that I really like
First try will be a bit salty, after after drinking tomyam and ice tea it became bland.

Tom yam goong. The previous time we came we had the tom yam with coconut ( not sure what they call it)
But I prefer the original one. Coconut version is toooo salty.

Beef noddle. So so only cos I always had the noddles without the eating the beef. I don't like fully cooked beef. They got this taste I hate. Prefer steak yumyum!

Thai milk tea. I love love loveeeee thai milk tea cos its totally diff from those normal kopitiam milk tea. They really has strong tea taste. Me likeeeeee.

Christmas pressie from Iris <3 Thanks babe! Hello Kitty is so so soooooo cute!

Impromptu K session at teoheng. WERE WERE LATE!! I think we arrived close to 11pm. Blame that bitch who took our cab. Funny thing was that we were all so angry and Ting pointed her the finger !
We booked the ultra small room and asked for a change later cos all my friends are so fat lah! HAHAHA
Sang till 1am and we were so high!! Just the right time for clubbing, Kenny allows me too! But its Mon - No clubs are open ( the same old sentance). Cab home with Ting afterward.

Left: Ting's failed attempt of capturing us! She only focus on the stairs
Right: Us with Yoggi bear poster - CUTE!

I'm to lazy to continue... ): Still depress over everything..

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