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03 December, 2010

HongKong day I Part 1

Omfg the weather is so cold now!!

I came back with 1k plus photos -___- almost scare the hell out of me. Out of the few, some were blur or random ugly shots that I dont bother to delete. Haha. After sorting and deleting and editing. Proudly present you day 1, hohoho.
*by this time, I probably ran out of the "blogging mood" Helloooo I edited 175 pictures in 1 hour cool or not!*

First picture of the day, really to set off.

Ps; Click the "read more" link to read!

We were the last family to get there... cos my dad didn't inform us the changed of timing -__-

Little cousin. He used to be shorter than me ): Few months ago he suddenly shot up, he's probably above 165cm now and still growing, god -_-

I've such a heavy breakfast! Had noodles (like la mian kind) at ...

Waiting for food to come took abit of pictures around.. love the effects.

We took more pictures after checking in cos we were too early, oh Dior mascara was so cheap at SG's DFS and so were the perfumes(some). HK's DFS stuff are super ex.

Really cannot tahan my brother, he totally look like a joker here. Wth. But at least he will entertain me lah.

ANTM!! So happy that I got something to do for the pass 2 hours, but the next 2 hours I almost feel like dying. Bored x 100. By that time, Justin was too engross watching his movie to even entertain me. Fml
And I found out that I can't sit still for long. HAHAHAHA

Lunch on plane. Damn yummy or is it because I'm too hungry?!. Potato chicken!!
Saw that butter over there? Stupid air stewardess forgotten to pass me my bread, so I steal my brother's bread. But after that the air stewardess head came and saw the lady beside me don't have a bread too and quickly give one to her ( and also Justin but he don't want it.)
Then again, bread with salted butter are the best combination together!!

During the flight back, I ate fish with potato, damn nice too!!

Went all the way to the next cabin and sat beside my cousin.

Have to spilt this into 2 parts cos Ive lots of pictures to upload. Heh. Part 2 is going to be Disneyland.
Such a happy place to be, oh well. I miss hk already. Good night!


Anonymous said...

Hai! Nice pix. What cam are you using?

Sylvia said...

HELLO!! I'm using Samsung ST550