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01 December, 2010

heeellloooo Sunny Singapore

Pfft. Disgusting hair. Need a dye job like sooooonnnnn.

I'm like finally back to where I belong hoho, miss my bed so much. I love everything about HK besides the cold weather there, ppl smoking everywhere and they won't say "excuse me" !! How rude ):
But I love what they can wear.. Furry stuff plus boots Omg so pretty! Aiya not like Sgp cannot wear or what. Wear already get heatstroke only what!! LOL

Anyway. I left my specs at Disney hotel ): And my make up remover and and... my solution ): Sigh!! Need to get to bed asap cos my flight landed at 12 plus, packed till 2am and wake up for school at erm 8am..
At night still need to see someone's attitude wtf.

Need to remove my lens and back on my bed cos I'm a blind cow without specs . HAHAHA!!

Disneyland is such a happy place <: Cute cartoons make me smileeeeee : D

Took MTR and travel around HK <3

Nanya dao (I sat on a private yatch!!) for seafood . AWESOME x100!!

Wax musume at the mountian peak. DAMNNNNN COLD up there. Worst thing was that we had to wait outside for the train to bring us back to ground floor.
Wind keep blowing and stupid cheena ppl cuting queue!!

And Ocean Park is because I get to sit the 360 degree turn roller coster and and and...THE AWESOME FLASH RIDE!!! Haha, no clue what it is? I will upload the pictures soon!! Heh. I swear that was super cool cos I was up in the air and feel like Harry Potter ridding the broom!!

More update soon!! Love ya (:

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