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03 December, 2010

HongKong day I Part 2 - Disney Hollywood Hotel was AWESOME MAX! ♥

I was damn sad this morning, kind of screw up my proj interview. I swear I almost cried while telling this to Kenny. I don't know what I can do ( or nothing I can do to pull my marks up.. ) except study harder for term test. Then again, MDAD paper is gonna be like codes and stuff which I freaking can't so. What to do now? This is what I've choosen and I've to walk right through it ): fml and thank god for friends who are understanding (hopefully they don't swear and curse me behind my back, lol)

Another good new to share, auto car is so damn easy to drive. Seriously! I can easily drive up to 80km/h. But I still can't get use to the "not stepping on clutch" thingy probably because I'm use to steping the clutch while braking and when I break an Auto car my left leg will auto move inwards. Felt so retarded after that cos THERES NOTHING TO STEP!! HAHAHA. My left leg is useless, poor leg.

Cons about Auto car is that its so easy to drive that I felt bored after 30 mins and almost fell asleep -___-
There's no "ARGH! SHIT I CHANGE WRONG GEAR!" situation cos there's no gear to change.
There's no "OMG, MY CAR JUST DIED ON ME!" cos the car won't stalls
That makes driving boring and less drama. Haha, there's no "oh shit" here and there for me ... except for some inconsiderate ppl who were not afarid of dying, rushing out to cross the road. And stupid uncles who horn at me for not turning -__- And I purposly drive so slow to irritate them. MUAHAHAHA.

HK part 2... And we landed safely yay

Ps; Click the "read more" link to read!

Bus pick us up to Disneyland

I was quite sad when I realise that the travel agency we booked from let us stay at Disney Hollywood Hotel instead of Disneyland Hotel (cos we went to 2 agencies ). They are more or less the same just thatHollywood Hotel is 4 stars whereas Disneyland Hotel is 5?! Eh no, their building is so much nicer and bedroom is so romantic. Heehee.
Me and my sister can sleep together naked!! HAHAHAHAHA!

This is Disneyland Hotel's bedroom... So pretty bed sheets (:
Disney's Hollywood Hotel

Almost the same .. but I got plain white ones ): Bias
Their lobby has crystal light!! Their bathroom got tvvvvvv!(hmmm ok only for the suit but still cool!)
They got indoor swimming pool whereas we got an outdoor one (not so bad cos with heater) and the list goes on!! Sigh!! We humans love to compare. *Slap myself hard! Be grateful!!*

♥ Minnie mouse card (: I get to choose what character I want. We have 10 people so we have all the character!

More photo taking around the hotel cos everything is so cute!! Ah! I know, I'm a god damn sucker for cute stuff ):

(: Where we had our breakfast the next morning

Yay! I hate it when I have to walk a super long stretch of road before I could see the entrance!
The distance is probably like from SG Universal Studio enterence to hmmm the roller coaster!
Maybe it's exciting to walk the first time, talking pictures here and there. But 2nd 3rd time and worst! When walking back on a freaking cold night. You will surely hate it as much as i do, I promise.

Brother got to bully the sister on this special trip! Heehee.

I really love love love the christmas tree. I love Christmas. Such a happy season!!

Argh! Hate my hair. Gonna get a dye job this Sunday (plus a cut and perm!) at Sherly's . Finally!

Glow in the dark candy floss. Super ex.

Coin making machine.. HK$ 10 for a coin. Pick ur fav character, a copper coin will drop down and punch in the image you've chosen

ta-ta, I made this. Useless I know but ...

I'm a tourist here, I just take anything i like and snap it on my camera. They can't say no to it. Muahaha!!

I want to but this thing back!! Glow in the dark balloons!! But its omfg 22 SG wtfbbq!!

Cute pink tea pot set  !!

A huge house with mini rooms belong to different characters. Can you guess which characters belong here?

My fav, pooh bear


Glass heels

HK 100, 3 different design!

HK ambulance. How cute?! Still got cartoons at the side and all in Chinese -__-

Of all things... I left my specs, contact lens solution and make up remover there ): Poor me became a blind bat once I remove my lens ):

Our dinner at night! Awesome cup noodles with milo and watching Disney channel all the way!

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