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20 December, 2010

Hong Kong Day 2

It's been a month!! Click here to read my Day 1 (part 1) and here for part 2 post.
I've so many pictures to upload/edit and as time passed im so damn lazyyyy!

Anyway finally, it's day 2!! I wake up damn early so Hollywood Hotel was damn comfortable. I've big big bed and my bao bao with me. Heh. And the day before me and my sis was watching some award show with Justin Biber singing (omg can't stand why she keep listening to JB's song like please he's gay arghhh!)

We got ready and went down for a lil tour. Disneyland (and hotel) was such a happy place. Even looking at their food made me happy (: Mikey mouse cake Yum Yum!

Even their salad .. LOOK! Mickey shape haha cuteeeeee. But nahh we didn't had breakfast at their food court (YES! That IS the food court - selling all cute mickey shapes food)

We were too early, the rest were still preparing so we went for a walk around out hotel.

My fat face. Totally u-g-l-y ):

The outdoor pool. The weather is alr so bloody cold and some ang mors still can swim ... (Last night)

The entrance, raining water.. We thought that this was the only entrance but we were looking around and sawwwwwww .. the other secret entrance. We were greeted by the staff there as we go in.
Really! The staff at Disneyland and the staff as the other places of HK was really really different.
(based on attitude)

Actually the swimming pool quite shiok la. Water temperature is 27 degree and Jacuzzi is 39 degree. At that point of time I really want to jump into the water and never come out. Haha

Pool shape is like a piano

Can you see the steam?

After that mom called me and we had breakfast buffet. Cute Mickey bowls..

wide variety of food including local food like laksa. HK local food eg dimsum, curry yu dan (fish ball). They also have Japanese food, cold noodles plus sushi too! Not forgetting the usual western breakfast food.

My breakfast set

Cute bao they have. 3 lil pigs

We come close to finish eating the breakfast at 8 plus AM.
Can you imagine what time we had breakfast then?

After breakfast we went to the Souvenir shop to get some stuff.
Tips on saving money : Don't ever get so much stuff in Disneyland's souvenir shop cos everything is so OVERPRICED! Seriously. I must admit that the stuff there was really really cute ( and I'm a sucker for cute stuff) but please control yourself!! My mom spent like SGD 300 plus just in Disneyland's souvenir shop alone -__- wtf and mostly is just for her friends. Damn fucking expensive. 1 Key chain (like that one above) the lowest is HK$60 (SGD 10) and the nicer one will go up to HK$120...Just for a key chain that stamped "Hongkong Disneyland" I would never ever spend so much on a key chain ):
And HK is really a cheater!! Those stuff from Disneyland you can actually get it at the HK airport duty-free!

Some outdoor pictures with sis anad cousin.

Good thing about hotels is that there are shutterbus to Disneyland ! Buses come every 15 mins( I think) but we hardly ever wait for the bus. We just happen to be at the carpark at the right time. Lucky us!

This is Disneyland in the morning (: (: (: After throwing the kids to my dad and off we go for some shopping. The nearest mall would be the factory outlet... YES it's a girl's heaven cos everything (almost) there is like 30% -70% off... even branded goods!

HK octopus card is like SG ez-link card.

Disney MTR line

So empty so pretty... MTR so pretty's all FAKE! The main MTR in hk is not so empty/pretty!
MTR is so crowded in hk ):

MTR going across the sea and under it. You can feel the pressure when we are in the tunnel.

Only 2 stops away from factory outlet. Watsons !! How to read the chinese words??

Mango outlet where I got my jacket. My mom say SG dont have this design... everything there is going at 70% off. But it's the older season one.. I guess you won't accept much from factory outlet.

Beside factory outlet is another shopping center. It's a neighbourhood shopping center like Tampinese mall. One shop I really like was "Maple" they sell cheap (cute and furry) jackets and accessories

Japanese meal for lunch at Fu Tang Shoppping Center. Meals were okay but their attitude sucks!!

Like ajisan!!

After lunch we went to "Qing yi cheng" No idea where it is but they got like hugeeeeee marks and spencer there.

Cute cuteeeeee

After walking the whole day I didn't get anything . Jiu mu got herself a SGD 200 over pair of boots made from real leather -___- so ex!


Around 8 plus we changed to Eaton Hotel at Jordan

Waiting for the adults to check in

This is not my room ): My mom got her room upgraded into a suite. Aiya no diff from ours just an extra living room .

Our pathetic tiny room. Really can't compare with the one at DL.

After settle everything down. We went out for dinner and Jordan night market.

Like in HK drama - xiao ba (small bus. LOL)


Look at the sign and remember it!! Really. Their food are damn salty and oily. Noodles were so dry

Yes this shop. And saw that old man at the left? He's the one!! We ordered rice, veg, noodles and calculate the price nicely and when we asked for the bill. This fucker just anyohow give us a price that was way above the correct price we've calculated. When asked for the price of each dish, he raised his voice and just tell us "that's the price... HK$$$." Totally didn't give us the info we wanted and after that his attitude changed. Wth right! After that we just give him the amt he want and walk off. Anyway we are just foreigner there (what if they take out chopper and chop us!!) and it's the first and the last time we are going to eat there.
I was damn angry after that and I purposely took many pictures of the shop to warn others not to go there!
Hope that guy roll down the stairs . ARGHHHHH!

After dinner/supper we went back to hotel and zzz. It's like 12 am by the time we finished everything.
Tired ttm. And marks the end of Day 2. Looking forward to Day 3!

Everytime I look at this kind of road sign... It always reminds me of...

Ao quannnnnn. I remember seeing this picture somewhere and I went to look for it just to put it here..

PHEWWW! Finally done Day 2. Took me quite a while to write down everything. Stay tune for day 3 (:
Promise I will blog about it tomorrow k.


Anonymous said...

Oh my. That's the same horrible "restaurant" I went, with the same horrible old man 0.0

Sylvia said...

omg serious?! That guy was really meannnn): he cheated your money too?

Anonymous said...

Don't think so. Cus i wasn't the one who paid =X But he commented that Singaporeans are so slow moving when we took forever to order -.-"

Sylvia said...

i was just wondering why most of the hk people has really bad service attitude. Anyway, i will be the first and the last time im going to eat there.