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21 October, 2010

I'm so hungry, only ate blueberry bread this afternoon . Freaking awesome bread so much blueberry jam and cream. Yum yum. Now waiting happily for my chicken chop mommy got for me.

I woke up quite late in the afternoon 3pm going 4. Super hasty morning/afternoon causes all this!! I hate it make me feel so sleepy, at first I thought it was going to rain -___-
Both my siblings were alr home from school. Sometimes i sleep till so late that my bro will come into my room asking if I'm unwell. Super cute right

Anyway. I'm going singing tmr with Tingwen, Xinyi and Sean, hopefully Kristal won't call me back for last min work .
*Please please*
Being so random and nothing inspire me to blog ): Gonna catch the 9pm show now watch Channel U (make over show) It's nice (:

This is just too cute. I wrote  y Try writing something on it < :



Anonymous said...

Hi,what cam do Zoe use?

Sylvia said...

Hello. She has the same Sumsung camera as mine. You can refer to her "Posts worth reading" to understand more about her(:

Anonymous said...

Hi how did you post up that doodleboard thing?Thanks.

Sylvia said...

Hello! I used HTML codes to put it up there. Damn cute right. haha