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21 October, 2010

Homemade curry

CQTY post again!! As promised (again) once I reached 100 vote I will reveal the real photo behind it.

Before...After (As in CQTY)...

Before before make up. No eyebrown no eyebrown. ARGHHH!! *Hair still wet, Just finish bathing*

After my normal make up..

My original photo is like this, OH wait! I think this**Left pic** was being photoshop before too.
(I can't find the raw pic, probably overwrite it alr)
The liner is too dark ( I used burn tool for this)
The picture on the ride diff pose but same make up is the real one.Lighter eye make up.
Aiya, that day going to the zoo leh. Don't expect me to have heavy make up plus falsie right. LOL

Without beauty mode and editing of contrast ): Low quality photo

After adding falsie (photoshop), blusher(photoshop) Eh eh!! I have blusher on my real face hor, just that the camera can't capture it. Blur the background like some pro camera so that ppl can only focus on me (photoshop) hmmm.. edit the curve. That's about it I guess?? Ta-ta You get this!!

I guess photoshop is for lazy people like me who doesn't want to put on too much make up but want to look nice in pictures so bo bian, must use!! Haha

Heh 2 more pictures before I end CQTY. Normal post under this cut ♥♥

"Sorry for being an unreasonable gf today ): ): ): Thank you for tolerating my bad temper and giving in to me. I guess you are the only one that can 忍 me for that long, that's why your are my bf
Baby I'm sorryyyy"

Dearie promised to cook curry for me and I had it today.
It was raining damn heavily today after I finish my make up, so dearie went to buy the ingredient first and I cab to his house.

New ring ♥♥

New ear ring ♥♥ New cardigan ♥♥♥ and new dress (: Hahaha. I've this dress for at least 1 or 2 months back but haven have the chance to wear it
Love the cardigan, so comfy B said that it will have fur-ball on it soon. But I scare that it will get dirty easily so I always dump it in my bag.

When I reached his house he alr started cooking.
*After looking through my photos I realise that all the pictures i took today, I am smiling without showing my teeth. totally CMI sia. omg make my face look so round ): *

My hair is in a terrible state.
Need a hair-dye job soon! The purple colour fade into...fugly red/brown?!

Curry with potatoes only -____- Hahah (inside joke)

Catch a movie at around 7pm, spent 10 bucks on arcade and and and I watched 童眼 in 3D
Not a nice movie, kind of disappointed with it. I expected it to be much more scarier than this, didn't have much 3D effect ( plus the 3D glasses were fat and heavy, my nose not high enough to hold it )
Most irritating was that some annoying kids are laughing and talking so loudly, I have to take off my 3D glasses to stare at them ( beside and behind ) to get their attention that they are supper noisy. But I guess it doesn't help much ( Cinema too dark, lol ) Feel like throwing popcorn at them. HAHAHA!

Oh B and I coincidentally wear the same (almost) shade of yellow today. Heh. I find this really really weird. Finally saw him wear this top I got for him, that shirt super low cut sia. I pull abit can see his nehneh alr. HAHAHAHAHA..

Supper at ... Fishball noddle stall cos prawn mee shop didn't open again ):

P/s: The most girly thing is that my bf actually carry this around to play all these time!! He got my DS a new pink cover ( and lost my white pouch). Got it back from him cos I'm going to VS my cousin in Pokemon on Saturday. haha. Now I've DS and PSP!! Hoho the 2 rivals of handheld entertainment. I hate it when my fav DS game can't be played on PSP!! Why ): Oh well, hate to say this.. I will return the device to respective owner soon!!(althought I alr take into heart that the PSP is mine.) heh

It's 5am now time to bed. Good night you people!!

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