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23 October, 2010

Singing session at Teo heng!!

A little update about today. Need to sleep asap cos it's gonna rain!!
Hate the sound of thunder.Zzz

Morning haze ): around 7.30am ? I slept at 4am the previous night -__- I survive for a good 24hours alr
I must try to sleep early cos I'm freaking starting school this coming monday at 8am!! Btw, timetable FINALLY CHOPCHOP COME OUT LAHHHH. Got like 2 8am lesson, 1 12nn lesson and 1 10am lesson, I think. And Friday no school. I devoted my driving on Friday (: (: (:
(Must get license before Christmas,Must get license before Christmas,Must get license before Christmas,Must get license before Christmas,Must get license before Christmas,Must get license before Christmas,Must get license before Christmas,Must get license before Christmas,Must get license before Christmas,Must get license before Christmas,Must get license before Christmas,Must get license before Christmas,Must get license before Christmas,Must get license before Christmas)
Now the problem is that I can't log into CDC gonna call and complain tmr!!

Back to topic. Doesn't it feel like Genting? Haha, just that it's haze not mist.

I learned U-turn today!! Ldris is really a nice instructor!! I don't want Edmund alr. Edmund lesson was so dry and boring. Every lesson same old thing zzz and some more his breath stink ): I like those instructors who give me 2 stamps at one go. Very waste money one leh..

Oh anyway. I got my irritating fringe chop off. Weee. It still poke into my eye but at least my hair look neatier and more presentable ( in a way). Shirley wasn't there hence I cut my hair at the opposite shop, they're so irritating telling me to trim my hair a bit so that ... *aiya some nonsense lah* And some more before that Xinyi was saying my hair looks a bit long (yey!) and now someone wants to cut it. No way manz. But my hair kind of irritates me alr. I tend to pull my hair everytime i carry my bag): and my hair is stupid thick kind ( thick till you can't imagine) It took me hours to dry ): I can't "layer" because my rebonded hair will be gone (and I will look like BOOMZZZZ. OMFG HAHAHA)

Ting wen got me ( or rather I asked her to get this ) for me. ^ ^ Can't wait to eat them tomorrow (:
Thank you so so muchhhhh.
Oh ya, I told my sister about the Vanness thing, she was like "omg so good" Super funny I swear!!

Few more cute photos to cute tomorrow. I need my sleep now (:
The best ever. Horlicks sweets . Got 3 pkts inside. Those who didn't try this before got no childhood!!

HAHAHAHAHA. Good night..

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