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20 October, 2010

How to vote Cam Queen Of The Year

I feel like some desperate whore. HAHAHA. But I don't care still must blog about this.
This time round I need you guys/girls to vote for me and also my friends ( Ting and Jen )

Just in case if you don't know how to vote (like me..LOL) I shall do a post on...
How to vote Cam Queen Of The Year.

It's quite funny at first. I thought I voted for myself and my friends by clicking the "Share" button
I was happily sharing it on my profile and didn't suspect any thing until I saw this tiny icon telling you how many "likes" I have and there's this mini facebook icon. After clicking it there will be a thumbs up sign (the usual fb's thumbs up)

Here's before the "like" ( So fucking small... Who can see lah. )
Click on it!!! **Notice that tiny icon change**

After you clicked... Thumbs up!! And there, done! You like me. Heh. But I've no idea why the number didn't change. Oh well, as long as you click - I guess the rest doesn't matter.

*Hate my damn browns. It's like non-existent. I look like some sick kid ): *

Anyway. As promised. I posted up the before and after pictures.
I was actually considering posting up be before and after photoshop of my "After" picture
These pictures are actually taken before my Night Safari Halloween Night.
So just take a look on how it was like and look at the "After" *above*

Hmmm. If I hit 100 votes I post up kay. HAHA. 5 more to go, very easy one!!
Go go. Vote for meeeeeeee . Vote for Ting ting . Vote for Jen


*Eeeee! I like how 直树 secretly kiss 湘琴, omg so cute! I also want hahaha*

p/s Can't believe time passes so fast. I'm a turning 19 in exactly 3 months' time (omg) and it will be the last time I will be in my "teens". I want it to be special, meaningful and FUNNN! I want to celebrate it somewhere I've never been before. Likeeee... idk, in Phuket (WATER SPORTS!!)
OH GOD PLS LET THIS HAPPEN KAY. Pretty please, I will shop less from now on I promise


Unknown said...

hahaha! I like it when he suddenly kiss her at the graduation thingy. SO AWESOME!
AND YARRR! U are gonna say ur bday special on 21 also lo! hahaha~

Sylvia said...

Haha!! I like it when he kissed her at the hospital when she's sleeping. so cute ♥ I watched this like 2 or 3 times alr, still so nice. Alot of ppl also say the Korean one nice leh but I haven watch it yet. Ehhh 21st and 18th birthday got diff like of special. But both are special enough to have a partyyyy~ Woo