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17 October, 2010

Night Safari Halloween Special 2010 !!

Because I've been there, spend close to 43 bucks to scare myself , I'm here to blog about it! Hoho. My first and the last time I'm gonna be there. Bloody hell wasted my money. ): Heard from Fiza, she said that Sentosa also having this kind of Halloween party ( but it's cheaper )

Meeting Ting and Jen at 5.15pm but they all were late. As I have nothing better to do as my modem spoiled ( how unlucky am i ??) I walked to Ting's house to "ka-jiao" them.

I was amaze by the amt of lipstick, lip gloss, eyeliner... MAKE UP(S) she have. Walao, I can happy happy take some and I bet she won't find out.

She sure has ALOT of everything ... Oh oh, and know why they're late (cos Ting hardly late for meetings) She was doing make up for Jen -_- They force me to put on falsie too, but i didn't want to.

Really hate my fringe! I clip it everytime, like some siao zha bor! And I need to colour my hair ASAP!

No beauty mode ): ): My face look so oily and sticky ):

Dinner at Pepper lunch. ♥ Pepper lunch with extra extra garlic sauce!

Ting's face was epic

This dude was the first one to scare her. Wtf? I think my reaction was too slow to get scare -_-
duhh it's like at night, I'm suppose to be infront of my com and watch GG...Right??

Creepy lady with rotted face ):

Hell yea, collecting tix and...

we made our way to the first ride...

The ever popular Train of Terror in to the Haunted Rainforest with Sleeping Animals .Zzzz -____-

As usual, train rides dont allow flash photography ): This explain why all my pictures are so blury ):
Aiya, nothing special lor. Just ppl pretend to be ghost and scare you. Though you know its fake but still kenna shock.

There's this once a ghost wanted to climb onto the empty seat beside Ting, she was so damn scare and insist of kicking the next ghost that's gonna do that. totally lmao.

I think the most scary part was the deco, exactly like those olden days horror movie. I hate those ghost marriage ( and the music they played )  Also, there's many chinese paper dolls

Scare Factor :

Next was the Spooky Encounters on Trail of the Undead.

Follow the road and be prepare to be scare by those ppl. They can appear any where..
One good hiding place was laying on the floor, Yes we all scream when he appear.

Lots of dolls...Remind me of the Youtube vid that Ting show me, true story.

I've never been to this cave before... been there 3 times (plus this) can't rmb much. I guess overall night safari is just boring.

Scare Factor :

I wanted to drop the form and win $$500 !! Well, at least I tried and maybe will win (50%) if i didnt, I confirm won't win (0%)
In the end I forgotten about it

And the all new Deranged Ghouls in the Huanted Village at Singapore Zoo!!! This is what I call "fun"!
Look at the queue man!! We queue for almost 1 hour and this trip about the huanted house is only like what.. 3 mins

So cool. I like how they dress up and deco inside. The first section there's this lady squatting down, rocking back and forth, i was afraid that she would grab my leg or something. I wanted to go pass it quickly but Ting don't dare. I ended up pulling her or something..She was holding me ( closing her eye I guess) half (or rather most of the time) she didn't dare to look up -_-
Every corner they have something to scare you. I scream the loudest when something from on top drop on my face ( furry furry one some more ). I like the scene whereby we were inside the bedroom and the lady ghost was looking at the mirror. ( obviously the whole place was filled with green or red lights, they even have loud spooky sounds) and that made it even scarier.
The last part was the coffin area. Real ppl hidding behind the coffin to scare us any moment and ppl standing at the side. ( Imagine ppl wearing white with straw hat/"jacket" standing at the side mourning/ waiting for ppl who pass by the coffin for word of comfort ) And out of a few fake ppl standing, there will be one real one scare you!!

End of our 3 min horror trip!!
Scare Factor : !!!

Yep, after this we headed back home. Ting and I had supper . Bai mee fen !
Reach home close to 2am and Bi was waiting for me! Tyvm loveyou fatty. Heh!

Till the next adventure!! Happy advance Halloween everyone (: (: (:

P/s : Can't wait till HH next launch! Miss Selfridge inspire High Waist shorts ( Yes for the first time I think high waist is Sexy!), Button Cuff Sleeves Top, Button Plunge V Top...The list goes on! Need to stock up my wardrobe with new cloth for new term, yea?
Baby pls don't kill me when you saw this ):
No, I'm not surrendering my Ibanking to you. Heeeh

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