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19 October, 2010

Got work tmr, fml . But it's the last day alr!! Go go me (: Anyway I've to wake up early for LB launch tomorrow. Hoho!! Thank god I manage to resist the temptation of buying clothes from F21 . K . See ya. I hope work tmr won't be so deadly ):

Kenny Koh If you're reading this. I haven see you for the longest time this week .
6 days fml again ): IMY

P/s: Anyway. I got the nicest blue nails ever. But nobody at home will appreciate. Hope you guys do (:
It's like some sort of hot pink but in blue version. and a bit of purple. Like neon purple-blue.
So pretty. Really stands out on my hand.

Con't watching my show now. 2nd time watching, the fizzy feeling still there!! 直树 ♥♥♥

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