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18 October, 2010

Bobbi Brown metallic long-wear cream eyeshadow - Black Pearl

Hohohoho! Oh yes I got my hands on another of BB's awesome cream shadow and this time round, I got their cream brush. I hope this will make the application easier (better be, cost me a bomb manz). Can't wait till tomorrow to use it !!

Before I start.. I'm sure many of you know there's this big event called CamQueen of the Year (CQTY). I decided to join too, why ? Instant $$ who don't want ?? Eh no kidding, by participating I might have the chance to win $$ and if I don't I never will
PLUS i will get famous (RICH AND FAMOUS!! MUHAHAHA)
And i love to camwhore and I should win..Right right right.

Aiya. Anyway, just click here to vote for me * puppy-looking-eye*
Like what I told Xin yi, IFFFFF I win, I will treat all my good friend a big big fest and spend the rest of the money together with my bf (: (: (:
For those (readers) who voted ( if i win ) I will blog more (duhhhh -_-) and do a post about make up and photoshop, I'm not as good as XX but I'm here to share what I know. And and and what many of you dont know, I can teach you how to get PS for free!!
Heehee..So you know what to do alr righttttt
So click here...and here and here!! May Neo girl, she alr like 4k plus vote!! Wtf I rather TT gets it. And her. Omfg, before and after still look the same can -____- .You can just look for her profile after voting for me, heh. I-dont-want-to-post-her-link-up!! Just incase some of you want to vote for her, in that case DONT BE LAZY LOOK FOR IT **

Back to bloggieeeee...

Dad wrote a note, saying my table is too messy. Haha spelling error !!

After work, accompany Xinyi to have her dinner and I headed to Taka to shop. I wanted to get a bronzer from Bobbi Brown(BB)

** Omg, watching 恶作剧之吻 now, and I suddenly have this fizzy feeling in my heart and I smile to myself :D. The 暧昧 feel. I don't have this kind of feel anymore ): **

Back to story. Their bronzer cost like $60 and I don't think it worth it plus I think it doesn't have any effect on my  face. ( It suppose to create a shadow on my jawline or something ) I tried it on but my face still look fat lah wtf -_- Their shimmer bronzer is really damn nice. I might buy though, depends.

Here's my awesome cream shadow (: Purple is my fav shadow currently. DARK PURPLE (: (: (:

Cream shadow brush that look like my normal brush, only smaller. This one thing cost me fucking 37 bucks -_- more than my eyeshadow. What the hell am i thinking just now . Wtfffff!!

And sprays for shoe and feet, I need to wear coverd shoe for work and school so... It's a must!!
I've sweaty feet and it will stink if I don't wash my shoe or anything.
Pretty girl and stinky feel dont come together. HAHAHA. Small bottle for me to carry out!

Collected B's Jeans at Levi's and HSH (:

Bling-ed Polariod with tiny pink star at the side. Cute or not!!

P/s I tried on Givenchy Phenomen Eyes Mascara.
( it does lengthening, curl and volume, 3-in-1. BUT don't ever trust 3-in-1. This is exceptional too cute to resist ~ ~)

Look at the cute tiny brush!! Actually, if I didn't get my Dior ones I would get this. so cute!!


Anonymous said...

HI! May I know where you get your diamonds and what glue you used to bling your cam? THANKS!

Sylvia said...

I got crystals from Arab St and transparent nail polish to stick. However if you really want to bling up your gadgets, use Epoxy glue. I was just tasting out that's why I used nail polish