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10 July, 2010

ESC AGM and CM Forum

Abit of self-obsessiveness. Couldn't help but to snap a few pictures when my baby camera is beside me.. heehee

I know you wanna view all my pictures when you clicked "read more" !!!

A few more pictures .... ssssssss

We are an hour earlier to pack up stuff, i was late cause i went over to WS to get cards and cake.

Busy with stuff that I didn't even have time to eat my chicken pie at one go. Had to
And my pie gets missing everytime i left it on the admin table!!

Freshies, force to smile and let me take a pic. HAHAHA

Mr A and Kenneth

Our senior, no need to ask them smile. They very zi dong. I LIKE! Jo happens to be Kenny's exclassmate and win happens to be my senior from SKSS!

When i saw a pink (hot pink some more) camera, couldnt help myself but to take pictures with it.
Not the first time but still don't care. Canon camera is so fun, they got this filter thing like for example i choose red and it only will capture red whereas the background will be b/w . This made me really excited and dig out my old Canon camera to play with.

Refreshment for us!! ( and also the rest who went to CM forum lah)

Tongue is freaking yellow cos of fisherman friends that i ate

And later in the evening, we attended ESC AGM & LIPSTIX, Sylvie

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