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27 August, 2011

Sin Heng Claypot Bak Kut Teh (439 Joo Chiat Road)

The thought of having Sin Heng actually was a few weeks back, Tingwen and I were in school. It's was raining in the morning and the weather was soooo cold. So she googled for Bak Kut Teh 'cos we heard from Ting that there's this Bak Kut Teh at Joo Chiat that sells good Bak Kut Teh. So we went there, it wasn't very difficult to spot the place. Right beside Joo Chiat Community Center is the correct stall (Sin Heng Claypot Bak Kut Teh) Given the big red sign board, how can you miss it? If you come from the other direction, you might see another BKT stall, don't be fooled by it.

What I really like about this stall is that it's 24 hours!! I love it when food stalls open till late or best 24 hours. Lol, Tingwen keep saying that it shouldn't be 24 hours 'cos the closed on Monday. Theoretically correctly but they didn't state 24/7 either so yup, I concluded that it's a 24/6 stall HAHA.

They've the mixed BKT or the normal BKT (Ranging from $8-$30). We chose the mixed BKT and a pot of 麻油鸡. Not sure what is it called in English, probably sesame oil chicken?

We went there around lunch time and there's quite a crowd. However the food served fast. I'm amazed.
麻油鸡, chicken wings cut into smaller pieces.

BKT. Actually I don't really find this nice 'cos the ones I had it during my Malaysia trip is still the best!! Authentic claypot Bak Kut Teh at (A Yo Yo Asam Manis) I believe that's the name of the stall.

Second trip down was with B, late night supper with him gonna make me fatz ):

Ordered the same dishes, mixed BKT (boiling hot!) One of the reasons why I love it when soup are served in claypot.
Ordered the smallest BKT which consist of 4 ribs.

Chicken. Same as the above.

Baby's fav of all. He self proclaimed it the "World Best Pig's Trotter" He practically ate the whole bowl of trotters. What's more to ask for a trotter? Meat is tender like fuck! Lol

Basically that's all about it. I don't know why is it famous. I always hear people comparing this and the Balestier Bak Kut Teh. Come on lah, they're 2 different types of BKT with different methods of cooking. It's so unfair!!

Anyway, I find it quite expensive for a 2 person meal. Perhaps if you go with 3 or more person, order more variety of food it will worth the price? But again, it's a 24/6 stall.

Alright. Gonna play my sims 3 now! TGIF people (:

P/s: I think I should include a food labels at the bottom.

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