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25 August, 2011

Everything with Fries (Holland Village)

Hello!! How's ya week? So yup, met up with the girls at Holland Village. Meet up with Ting after her driving lesson at Ubi and we took a train down to meet Jen. Wanted to get some lens thingy but the shop was close, such a disappointment ):

We headed to holland Village 'cos Iris wanted to "teat" us 50% . But in the end we settled with Everything with Fries with Holland Village.
The first time I tried was last year (I do blogged about it here) and I said that I won't have it again 'cos the first time was terrible. Like really omg cmi kind.
Second time was with Tingwen at Joo Chiat outlet. I had their burger which was still acceptable.
And she told me (almost every other day) that their Wild NZ King Salmon is the best.
"The salmon really melt in your mouth" she will say and give those omg-it's-heavenly kind of look.
And I'll just replied her "夸张"

Nutella Milk shake. It's thick and fluffy!! Lol. Tasted more like Oreo.

It was happy hour so beer for out beloved alcoholic Ting

ALL OUR FOODDDDDD (: Apparently (I think, don't quote me), their menu changes. I dont see any of their night menu when I visited them last year(afternoon) Im not so sure about this. But if you happen to know please tell me ok?

Picutres are not that clear 'cos it's a last min thing to meet up soooo...more professional pictures/review can be found at Ting's blog (Hopefully she will blog about it lah. But she confirm take very long. LOL)

We wasted our night away and K garden (Serangoon G). Saw Adrain ( from what they told me). I've zero idea how Adrian looks like, from what I remembered he's tall and skinner and which was totally opposite from what he used to be. Oh Kenny joined us too and he's being sucha sweetheart to sent all my friends back <3 <3 <3
Have fun talking with them and meeting Iris' bf for the first time! He's so so so shy btw. HAHAHA
Alright good night people!
TGIF tmr (:


Anonymous said...

YAY I'mmmma stalker! My bf is not shyyyyyyyyyyyyy hahahaha. Next time quad date leh wahha.


Unknown said...

i will blog abt everything with fries tonight!

Unknown said...

do u realised u spelt adrian as a-drain? lol!!!

Sylvia said...

Iris: but he looked so shy! Lol
Ting: lol Adrian lah. Haha I always spelled it this way