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24 October, 2010

cute 4 us ♥

School is starting tomorrow and I'm really looking forward to it! Can't wait to have spicy nuggets, butter dory fish at mensa (Shiokness!!)
Hoping to get good teacher/lecturers, let the air-con not be too cold and bus not to be so damn packed.
Most importantly, let me not be late (: (: (:

Had Everything with Fries yesterday at Holland V. Took us quite awhile to find that place

Always wanted to try it but Kenny only know how to say lah, no action one. So I went with my family (: Everything was really with fries and they have lotsa flavor to choose from.
There are 5 diff types and we got 5 ppl, manage to try them all.
Whatever you guys choose. Dont-choose-curry !! Sour cream and Garlic flavor are nice

Must try their chicken wing!! Super addictive !!

There's not much item on the menu actually and I'm quite disappointed with the food. Main course was bread/sandwich. And I've "Salmon in a cup" literally . The amount of sandwich was pathetic and the sauce was disgusting -___-

The only one that I think was worth the money was bake beef, not bad too. I'm not gg back again. But if I really do, probably will be only wings and beef .

Walked around Holland and saw this ultra cute pink tool case for woman!! So pink/bimbo!!

Continue from the previous post.

HAHAHA!! So cute right. I made them do this (Same as meee!)

Yep good night all (:

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