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15 March, 2011

Hello hello, I'm watching 女人我最大 now (: (: Like the best beauty show ever. Serious!!
They taught like 宵夜减肥法 (supper dieting) !! Super cooool.

I can't wait till 17th(Not really excited about the releasing of results, hope that I can go on to 3.1) but it's our 24th heh 2 years and a trip to ZOO! Hello to cute animals. But due to Japan's Earthquek/ nuclear bombing our trip might be cancelled IFFFFF there's rain (like even a drip of rain, I can't go there ): )

Me w/o make up. No eyebrown ?! HH's top and jacket ♥

Met Kenny and we headed to Takashimaya to collect his mom's wallet and to the baby fair at basement to look for Xinyi and Tingwen.Oh Carina also working that day as well as the new girl, M.

Japanese meal for the day! They are famous for their fried chicken their, super yummy and juicy chicken!

♥ Oh and their Jap curry. OMFG nice ttm. (Top left) No picture of it but one small bowl its like 5 bucks!!
Nice meal comes with nice price uh -___-

I really can't remember what we did that day. No movies no shopping, alright I admit I did a lil shopping looking for office wear. I think we spend the whole day gaming at ...St. Games!! Awesome hangout place, suitable for couples, girlfriends, siblings and family!!
We played for straight 2 hours, I'm super addicted to Guitar Hero and Rock Band. I'm like a pro in playing 5 keys/3 keys (x box and wii respectively) and B is like pro in drum set. Heehee!! Every time I overheard some music I will be like "eh dear, I want to play guitar sia" LOL.
I've no pictures but I blogged about it before.

YAAAA LAHHHH. Food again I know. My blog is nothing but foooddddd omg. Spell F-A-T!

Aston for dinner. 2 pictures and we were nom-ing off ~

Me w make up and office wear? Yay/Nah?!

Alright I'm so hungry now alr! Oh well good night


Unknown said...

ooo! u went there for the curry katsu also ah! i love it so damm much!!! i always eat one is inside the isetan at scotts

Sylvia said...

I forgot what's the name. But its at the top level of Taka. YAAA The curry damn nice. But so ex and too little!!