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16 March, 2011

Sunday with Family

Another picture spam post! HEEHEEHEE. I had my fav Joo Chiat prawn mee. I've been there since young and I still love it damnnnn much! It's actually my mom's ex bf brought her there and after they broke up and got tgt with my dad, she still asked my dad to bring her there!! LOL.

World best prawn noodle. NOMNOMNOM!

Random picture - I like this blue colour ALOT! Such a happy blue!

Daddy got another laptop -__- ( We didn't expected he will buy, we all thought that he only see see but after talking to one of the staff less than 5 mins, he was like "OK, I will get this one" And we all were like " OMG ARE YOU SERIOUS?! You buy another one for who??! )
The 4th one alr. I think he has a fetish for buying laptops -__-
But this one was a totally great buy. After discount was the SAME price as my Vivo but with higher Processor, running on Windows 7 Pro... comes with Microsoft Office Business also. Wtf. A total steal please

And and and the little keyboard with back light (: (: Now I can type in the dark (lol not that I will do that lah)

Ps; Oh ya, also got a new FREAKING camera and I LOVE IT LIKE MAD!! (: Shall keep it a secret first HEEHEE *Hint* It's the same one as Tingwen (:

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