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05 March, 2011

Gnomeo & Juliet

Went back to school early in the morning for some MP-SIP talk. Apparently Tingwen and I were selected for an attachment outside..not 100% confirm. Need to go through interview first., which I HATE the most ):

B love my HH dress cos he said I look more feminine in it. That boy loves anything that can turn me in to "shu nu" LOL.

I was really excited cos it's the first time (this year) we are meeting so early.
Early as in just nice-for-lunch-timing. My life style totally screwed up during project period and I only get to meet him for dinner/supper ):
We caught "Gnomeo & Juliet" I love watching cartoon movie. I'm like some kid that's deprive of childhood.
Click play!! Super cute movieeeeee!

Lunch lunch lunch @ B's fav pasta shop. He had some sort of golden tougue, he only eat cream base pasta from here. WHICH IS TOTALLY AWESOME.

Nice garlic bread x12834792384

He's hook onto the spa game I downloaded. Heh we both always fight to play iphone games

Fish aligio oilo, spicy level normal. B told the waiter to give me "mild" and I told him I wanted "spicy" and he was like "You better don't take spicy cos they're using xiao la jiao, super spicy one hor!"
I didn't listen to him and choose "normal" which was one level down -____- totally regretted!!

B had "spicy" I TOTALLY cannot understand why he can take spiciness to such level. It's unbelievable!

I ended up.... ): I've such a sad life. I can't even finish half of the plate ):

Dinner at the first ever restaurant we ate together(before we were tgt). I was looking for the link but I couldn't find it, probably because he told me not to blog about it...He scare C will read or something.
I even went to read some of my older post. Felt so *ahem* (I can't use the word gross/disgusted) but since when was I so mushy about what he did last time. I pratically typed out my feelings, argh talking about a girl made a confession to a guy uh!
Cannot tahan him lah, I think he play "hard to get" sia. HAHAHA

Couldn't get THAT seat over there ):

Spicy meal again -______-

Chicken soup that look & taste like curry, curry mutton, curry veggi and yummy chicken!

And B got this ring for me while I was not looking heehee, he keep complaining that it's ugly lor ):
I choose this over ribbon (:

<3 Thank you BB

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