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25 January, 2011

Shadow shadow on the wall, whos the prettiest among them all?

Omg saw HH's latest collection ? I ♥ them all, love the togas love the wedges (: I got a top from their previous collection and hopefully it can get to me before CNY.

Anyway as promised...
My eyeshadow collections, not alot but i ♥ them all (: (:

Colours that I normally use will be bottom (silver/grey)
3rd and 2nd row browns and lightest shade of pink.

Golden shimmer that B got for me.

Bobbi brown long wear cream eye shadow. FREAKING AWESOME! Chrome patina and starry purple? I think? And MAC mineralize pink shadow is new in the family. Thanks to Amanda and Weeleong
They got me the Scottish fling mineralize kit with all the pink/nude stuff inside

KATE and Lancome. Love the deep purple and I always overlap with my Lo'real's lighter purple.

I hardly use the Mabelline's pink shadow and I love the Lo'real's purple one (已经见地了!!)
My first shadow that I actually used till so .... pathetic? The golden shimmer one not counted cos I drop and it shattered!

Opps. Here's the 2nd one that the base can be seen. HAHA

Because I finished my cds (only left the pasting part) Ive got more time to blog (: I've been damn bloody shag everytime I reached home, projects/datelines, commitments, cds ):
And guess what makes me happy ??
Awesome cheese cake from Hokkiado fair at Taka. My fav so far. 8 pcs for $18 ): That's $2.25 for one, oh only show 6 here cos greedy me had 2 on the car.
REALLY NICE I TELL YOU OMFG but no more alr lah. The fair was like donkey weeks back.

And dad got this... Another cheese cake. 4 for $10 -___-  Not very cheesy, i dont like.

Tapioca ~ ~ ~ Having it now as i blog HOW TO NOT GROW FAT LIKE THAT UH!

Make-up bag(new) Guess what's inside the plastic baggggg? *eggcited!* HAHA Click on the link, I think it's quite funny.

Hello to my dotting tool, welcome to the Sylvia's nails family (: (: (: I can't wait to try this if it fails I will pack my bag and head back to AMK for my nails.

2nd best gum. SO MINTY I LOVE.

Remover from Msia.

Pressie from Weeleong and Amanda. Thanks for coming to pass me the pressie..

Heh! PINK *HUGS* I apply this after putting my UD primer but it somehow fade to purple-ish

Paint pot.. I actually went to google "MAC paint pot" to find out more about this product. They never state that its for the mouth/eyes/face lah wtf -____- How I know they will give 2 eyeshadow lahhhhh.
For review, click here

Pretty good, doesnt smuggle as much as my Dior's macara.

I finally took out the bear and the chocolate and the flowers. BEAR so cute its my lappy's wallpaper now!
So happy when I see this

Why so kewte!!

From Xinyi and Tingwen. I always wanted a pencil liner (Ask and you shall be given, haha) Thanks babe!

True enough, its damn smooth to draw on, esp if you are drawing the bottom waterline.

Also, it's my first brown pencil liner. Expect to see more brown and pink/purple this summer! HOHOHO
No more blue cos its not winter here!! LOL

Okay shall stop here, I blog too much alr -___-

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