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20 December, 2010

Sony VAIO E Series in pink

Happy Birthday to Iris Gan!!! I've say what I need to say and shan't repeat myself <:
If you don't know what I want to say just look back into your hp msg k. HAHA

I ♥ my new blogskin, so plain, simple but yet it's so pleasing to the eye (: So more funky bright pink everywhere (But hey I still love pink...) it's time for a change, yes?

My mom called me when I was sleeping and she said that the laptop I want was on sales (not really sales but cheaper.. previously was way way over priced) so I've got a new laptop, i name it pinky cos it's so pink -_- (duh!) My mom said it's red but the lady told her it's pink. My sister said pinky look like red and I went crazy!

E series got no bloody red k. The green ones look so... green? Like shrek!

Oh and IF its red I will name it bloody but it's not! Bleah! Haha. Omg wtf I'm typing argh. Seriously pink and red are 2 different colours and there's no way I will put them tgt. NOOO NEVER!

Anyohow the new laptop is so pink, so tiny (only like 14.5 inch) and the screen is super bright! I alr set the brightness but (argh) I felt so retarded staring at a screen with no lights ):

The black keyboard look so ... but me got a purple cover to cover it up! Why purple? Cos they only got purple and green. Damn green look so gross with pink. Closest colour will be purple so now its like pink..purple and pink. Not those white translucent ones selling outside. You can't really tell when looking from far.

Freebies that are useless. All the things they gave... I alr had it at home.

And like I said my mom bribe me ): Nah she said this is also my birthday pressieeee which is like in ... less than 1 mths time. And no dataplannnnn ): x 100 = no iphone. Again, it's like useless to get iphone without data. Sigh!

I shall start customizing this laptop cos me don't like boring laptop with boring cursors. Heehee!


Anonymous said...

Hello, may I know how much are the chanel studs from kenny in one of your later posts?

Sylvia said...

Hi ! I'm not too sure how much is it cos he just gave it to me when I came back from HK. Sorry