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19 December, 2010

Have you ever ...

Another night that I dont feel like sleeping, yet. Btw, listening to clubbing songs make me wanna clubbbb Argh!
Anyway, the song "Angels Cry" by Mariah Carey ft. Ne-yo was inside my head for the whole week.
I like the way Ne-yo sang "the" like "thhhhhh-e" HAHAHAHA such a happy weird slang i wanna learn
"thhhhhhh-e" peopleee!

Mariah Carey's voice was omfg sexy ! And her songs Loveeee. I've download like quite a number of her songs this week. Sad to sad that her singles now are revealing so muchhhh, unlike her albums in the past.
Remember she sang "Without You" and "Hero" I just felt like crying ):
(She look so innocent back then, look at her now! Half of her boobs are like dropping off alr)

Mariah Carey's oldies are the best!!


6. Got back with someone you’ve broken up with: Yes

7. Been cheated on: I guess not

8. Kissed someone & regretted it: Nope

9. Lost someone special: yes

10. Been depressed: yeah

11. Been drunk and threw up: YES! Awfu feeling ):

12. Pink

13. Grey

14.Black.. LOL I just notice that Pink is like the odd one out here.

15. Made a new friend: Yep!

16. Fallen out of love: Nope, I've been in love since 2009 heh

17. Laughed until you cried: It's been awhile

18. Met someone who changed you: Nope

19. Found out who your true friends were: knew that all along (:

20. Found out someone was talking about you: bad about me or what?

21. Kissed anyone on your Facebook friend’s list: mmhmm.Yes a few haha

22. How many people on your friends list do you know in real life: Almost. Idk

23. How many kids do you want?: 1 little princess

24. Do you have any pets: None

25. Do you want to change your name: Never

26. What did you do for your last birthday: Movie, dinner with Kenny

27. What time did you wake up? today? 8.45am

28. What were you doing at midnight last night? Blog

29. Name something you CANNOT wait for?: Graduation!

30. Last time you saw your Mother: Like a few mins ago

32. What are you listening to right now: Bye bye - Mariah Carey

33. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: Nope

34. Who is getting on your nerves now? Nobody

35. Most visited webpage: Facebook

36. Whats your real name: princess

37. Nicknames: Sylvie.. alot lol

39. Zodiac sign: Goat

40. Male or female? Female

41. Hair color: brown

42. Long or short: in reference to what?

43: What do you like about yourself?: what's there not to like....? :D

44. Piercings: Ears

45: Tattoos: on my butt!

58. Want kids?: if i get married

59. Get married?: idk

60. Career: ?

61. Lips or eyes: eyes

62. Hugs or kisses: both

63. Shorter or taller: taller fo sho

64. Older or Younger: older

65. Romantic or spontaneous: spontaneous

66. Nice ass or legs: both.

67. Funny or serious: FUNNY. i'd rather die than not laugh

68. Drank hard liquor: yes. i hate alcohol

71. Been arrested: HAHA yes when I was young

72. Cried when someone died: yeah.

73. Fallen for a friend: yea :}

74. Yourself: Yes

75. Love at first sight: Yes

76. Heaven: Yes

77. Santa Claus: only in the pedophilic ones that lurk around in malls

78. Kiss on the first date: Yes

79. Angels: YES

80. God: Yes


81. Had more than 1 girlfriend/boyfriend at a time: no, that's messed up

82. Did you sing today?: haha everyday!

83. If you could go back in time, how far would you go?: Hm Sec school days?

84. The moment you would choose to relive?: nah

85. Are you afraid of falling in love?: nope

86. When was the last time you lied?: i dont know

87. Are you usually late, early or right on time?: LATEEEE

88. Are you a good person?: i r gud ger.

89. Do you dream of being famous?: NO.KIDDING. HAHA

90. Stole your parents money?: hahaha my parents say i rob them every day

91. Is there a specific reason you're not dating the last person you texted? I'm already dating him

92. Ever cried while you were on the phone with someone? yes....

93. Is anything bugging you right now? nothing  in particular, just chillin like a villain

94. Does it matter to you if your boyfriend/ girlfriend smokes? yes.

95. Was the first person you talked to today male or female? Cant remember

97. Your last ex says they never even liked you, you say? ):

98. Do you still pinky promise? definitely :) it's the only way to make promises legit.

99. Does anyone hate you? probably.

100. Is it usually easy for someone to make you smile? I guess so

111. Do you honestly miss someone? yeah.

112. Next time you will kiss someone on the lips? HUH

113. What bed did you sleep in last night? my own!

114. Have you ever kissed someone whos name starts with a k? Yes

115. Who was the last girl you had a conversation with? Ting

116. How is your heart at this moment? we be chillz

117. How is your mood? bored

118. Do you have a picture of you kissing someone? no, not in my new laptop (: HEEHEE!

119. Does your password have to do with a boy/girl? no

120. Are you wearing jeans, shorts, sweatpants, or pajama? short shorts

121. Is there something that makes you angry? like... alot

122. Are you happier single or in a relationship? they both have their pros and cons

123. Have you ever had your heart broken? definitely

124. Have you ever broken someone's heart? Yes

125. Talk to any of your exes? Yes

126. If you could go back in time and change things, would you? yes!

127. Do you believe that you are a good boyfriend or girlfriend? i'd like to think so!

128. Do you want to get married? Hopfully that guy will want me. Haha

129. What was the most exciting event of 2009? HK with my families.

130. Are you happy with life at the moment? pretty much yeah.

131. Would you ever dye your hair black? Yes

132. Do you believe everything happens for a reason?Yes

133. Will you be in a relationship in the next few months? duhhh

134. What are you currently listening to? that's a lot of times to ask what i'm listening to. I'm not listening to music right now

135. How is your hair atm? messy

136. Do you have a best friend? not a best friend, but a lot of close friends!

137. Do you think you have changed? somewhat i guess. tweaks in my character here and there as time goes

140. Where's the last place you went besides your house? Church

141. What would you do if you found out the person you liked had a girlfriend/ boyfriend? I will chop off his dick!

142. What's on your schedule for tomorrow? Driving ):

143. Do you always answer your texts? Yep. If not that person will spam me. haha

144. Was '09 a good year for you? In a way, yes

145. Has anyone said they love you in the last week? yes :) EVERYDAY

146. Someone knocks on your window at 5am, what do you say? probably something along the lines of 'HOLY SHIT'. it's the 9th floor after all.

147. Everyone deserves a second chance, right? depending on what they did

148. Who was the last person to wave at you from across the street? hmmmmm. 

149. Are you wearing make-up? nope

150. Do you think "I love you" are strong words? when it comes from the right person.

151. Do you hate anyone? not particularly but yes when I think of what they did.

152. Have you ever been in a fist fight? well i've been into a fight .. but not fist fight.

153. Argued with anyone recently? yes

154. Do you like texting? lol yes?

155. What makes you happy? Cute stuff  <:

156. Who are you seeing this weekend?Grandparents

157. Why did you do this quiz? don't wanna sleep yet...

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