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13 December, 2010

The First Saturday together ♥

I wanna go...ZoukOut! Kenny said I was crazy and he told me that a tix for Zoukout was 88 bucks -___-
Ya lah, such a big event yesterday. But I had abit of it cos I was "drunk" yesterday and bi had to take care of me the whole night (cos Ive rapid heart beat, rashes and Kenny thought that I'm going to die!). Hahaha!! Vodka raspberry plus green tea omg damn disgusting can. A little taste of alcohol just make me wanna puke ): I still can't forget the merlion session at chalet ): Kind of like phobia alr.

Anyway. Yesterday was great! I had dinner and movie with B. Only thing was that I couldn't wake up early to study ): and I waited hours for him to get his ass down to pick me up. I ended up camwhoring and talking to my sis at the same time!! Girl power yo

*WARNING! Alot of my fatass pictures!! HAHA*

After so long I finally decide to put extra work to eye lash (fake) If only I have long lashes

I don't know what she's doing.. but we were like gossiping about HBC and GBC yesterday. Hmm. Not really gossip but kind of like getting feedback from her. And I conclude that 1) I don't like HBC 2) Most of them dont like HBC too! 3) I dont like the idea of them using pumping as a punishment 4) Most of the youth in HBC look like ah bengs.

After awhile, mommy came and sat on my chair we continue to take about it. Apparently my mom dont like them too. Oh well. We went down together cos they are going to have lunch and B was watching for me downstairs alr. Daddy helped me to collect my new specs! Yay. Felt so light and I look like a total geek wearing it. LOL.

Baby was so handsome cos he was wearing the shirt I got for him from H&M wee. Finally he wear something I got for him and not rotting at home. Wanted to watch Rapanzel but damn it!! ALL SOLD OUT. B wanted to book online but his card couldn't get through. I tried mine, same thing happen ): I even tried to do phone booking ... Stupid Cathay ): I ended up watching Doraemonnnnnn. Nice movie kay (although B got bored half way through...)

Early dinner at Jack's Place. Yummy garlic bread and lobster soup! Wth, I'm so hungry now and Ive to blog about foodddddd what a life uh!

Babylove is out of army!! 1 week of reservice served him well. He got darker and more macho.

abrupt ending cos I need to sleep! Heh byebye

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