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14 December, 2010

101 interesting things about myself

I saw the random 100 somewhere and thought " Hmm why not ..."
Me! I did random 101 (Everything you need to know about me)...Haha.
Super boliao I know.

1. This week is my term test week
2. I'm not studying but writing this random 101
3. I am hungry
4. Always in the middle of the night if I don't fall asleep by 12AM
5. My CCA in Primary Sch was badminton
6. The teacher in-charge was my form teacher
7. He was also my brother's teacher
8. And also my sister's teacher
9. He sometimes mistook me as my sister and called her "Sylvia"
10. I hate wearing skirts when I was young
11. Or anything that's revealing
12. And I used to have a phobia for guys
13. I hate beetles
14. Lizards
15. Cockroaches
16. Anything that makes a "flying" sound
17. I have 4 tattoos.
18. Kidding, I wish I can have oneeee. Just one
19. I have 3 piercing
20. I love photography
21. My favourite colour is pink
22. My favourite food is Joo Chiat Prawn noodle
23. I can have it everyday
24. My favourite number is 9
25. Even since I've a crush on a basketballer no, 9
26. My favourite band is Westlife
27. Old school, but still love of my lifeeee
28. I'm missing 1 tooth
29. At the back
30. I was hospitalize in 2007 for Pneumothorax
31. I went to A&E straight away
32. But waited for like an hour
33. I thought I was gonna die
34. I cried while the doc cut a hole and insert a tube into my lung
36. I literally felt blood gushing out
37. The tube was there for 2 days
38. I didn't get out of the bed for 2 days
39. Yes, didn't bath for 2 days
40. Pee on my bed (with the help of container)  for 2 days
41. I made friends with nurses and training doc
42. I got 1 year MC
43. Can't go for diving/plane or anything that causes pressure
44. I first kissed a boy when I was 14 years old.
45. I was single for 3 years before I met Kenny.
46. I was the one who made the first move.
47. I met him while I was working
48. I used to think that he look charming when he's serious with his work
49. He's skinner when I first saw him
50. He didn't like me at first
51. But he likes my smell (HAHA!)
52. He's 4 years older than me
53. He thought that we'll have communication problem if we were to be together
54. He's somehow right about this
55. Both of us are very stubborn
56. But he still give in to me no matter what.
57. That's why we are still together till now and I love him, alot.
58. I first watched pornography when I was 18 years old.
59. If I remember correctly...
60. I love collecting stickers
61. I still do now
62. I have 4 albums
63. I used to write/keep diary
64. My darkest secrets are inside
65. Kenny is dying to read it
66. I started writing in Pri 5
67. And stop when I use blogger
68. However, sometimes I only blogged about 10% of my feelings
69. Whereas in diary it would be 101%
70. I have 3 diff diaries
71. I hate cracking my (hand) knuckles but not the leg's.
72. I'm afraid that my fingers will drop off
73. Kenny loves cracking them for me
74. I have never fractured or broken any of my bones before.
75.I love curry
76. I love apple
77. I love pink dolphin drink
78. I have fetish for guys who smell nice
79. I stole a lot of my Dad’s coins when I was younger.
80. I like the wobbly sound of papers
81. I've low tolerance for cold
82. I hate air-con
83. I sleep without turning on the fan
84. But not without the windows open.
85. I need ALOT of ventilation
86. I love huge watches
87. My favourite cuisine is Jap
88. Me loves Sashimi
89. One of the most romantic moment I had was when he look after me for the whole night when I was drunk.
90. I love looking at his worried face
91. This proof that he care
92. I hate alcohol
93. But still drinks it on special occasions
94. I only puke once in my life (so far)
95. I've never been to a club
96. Sometimes I told Kenny that I want to club just to irritate him
97. I'm a sucker for cute stuff
98. I first put on make up when I was 14
99. Putting on only mascara was called "make up" back then
100. I used a brown mascara, Maybelline
101. I started putting more make up at 18

Okay I'm finally done!! Gosh. So long and so difficult to come out with 101 questions and answers (Random)
I just typed what came into my mind. And hope this 101 answers let you know more about me
Gonna sleep now . Good night!!

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