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09 October, 2010

Universal Studio Singapore Update 2

Part 2!!
Shall post my remanding photos up nowww.

Totally feel that we are at the other country. Like Egypt !!!

Can you tell whos fingers?

The best ride ever!

And...This is totally a stupid ride -__-

One of my fav pic and also the funniest. Cos..."2 hands up with feet on the ground" HAHAHA!!

take 2!!

And this spinning thingy, like old school tea cup. Hahaha, spinning has never been a problem to me.
Oh well.

And we walked to a modern area... 
Every lil corner was beautiful

We had our lunch at ... here! They sell huge ass pizza. Awesome x 100

Funny looking drink.

Because we have 30 bucks + 25 bucks voucher ( total bill came up to 70 ++ ) and Bi paid the rest ):
Don't like him to pay every time!!

Oh and we manage to catch this "street dance" show. We thought it was something nicer -_-

And next was to... Lights, Camera, Action!™
Hosted by Steven Spielberg

"No camera allow area"
After this short intro, we were lead to the other room with incredible special effects.
They got fire, wind, lightning thunder. You name it, they have it. Thought it would be a boring one but its not!!
FYI, after I saw this, the other effects were nothing.

Watched this also!! Told 'ya we had lotsa time. (lucky us!) Boringgg!! Hate musical. I fall asleep while watching this mannnnzzz. Their singing make me sleepy, and plus their comfy cushion seat. Hohoho. Went to zzz land in no time.

The animals behind us are so so cuteeee < :

Most relaxing (and kiddy) ride ever.

At Donkey Live. Zzzz . It was quite boring (probably for kids) until Xinyi caught the donkey attention.

Lucky we manage to catch most of the rides + show. Hoho! Look at the sky mannn.

Oh yea, camera died on me after this pic): We were caught in the rain hence seek for shelter here.

**From Tingwen's camera**

End product. My own cup (: Hohoho.

VS eyeshadow.


Good night < :

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