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05 October, 2010

RITZ Apple Struddle ♥

Hello all, 公主嫁到 finally release all the eps !! Too bad I've work tomorrow ):

New hole in my screen protector ):
Bi saw this yesterday and he say how many screen protector i need to spoil -__-
This is only the 3rd one what. Alot mehhhhh.

My new cover. Got this because I wanted to bling it! 不舍得 bling phone, bling the cover also nice!

Anyway, dearie and I went to discovery center (We visited Army Museum too) yesterday. Suppose to meet him at 11am but I was late for 1/2 hour. He keep saying me lah ): Eh but I asked him to give me a morning call but he give me a msg instead. Wth -_-

It was a boring and expensive trip, omg. Science Center is way way way more interesting. After that I was craving for apple strudel and the only outlet I know was at Bukit Tima and after much whinning I finally get to eat my apple strudel (nearest to us was at Upper Thomson). Mad awesome x 100 !! Hoho! Bi got durian one for his mom. The whole car smell like fart after that ):
Dinner was awesome cos.. it was buffet at Quality hotel. Love the chicken & mushroom porridge (: (: (: The buffet there was cheap. Dirt cheap I swear !

Hmm, and today, nothing much. After work Bi and I went to have supper at "White Beehoon place". Hsh and watch my drama till now.

P/s; Universal Studio pictures coming up next. It's loading damn slowly.

<3 Syl

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