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02 October, 2010

Purple-ish bling nailz !

Omgz, the memory card from my camera takes forever to load ):
Unknowingly, I've alr taken 1000 plus photos and I bet half of it are rotting inside. I can't transfer photos to my laptop 'cause.. I hate having lots of sub-folder in the Picture Folder.
I need my cousin to return me my hard disk real soon. And hope that he won't spoil it 'cause all my precious pictures are insideeeee!

Heehee, and I know Xinyi have been bugging me about our Universal Studio pictures but I really have ZERO time to upload and face book is freaking slow. My life have been revolving with work, work and more work. So tired of work now ): I'm starting to miss school, my fishball noodle, lectures and sleeping in class - sad x 99
And Xinyi if you're reading this, you can put me on more off days so that I can upload all the pictures ?? < : Heh!
Shit and tmr I've got work, early shift some more sia.

On a happier note, I've medi and pedi done @ Amk. ( All time fav place)
Supposedly all fully sponsor by my boyfriend but after that I paid it all. First time doing a classic pedi... It's bloody hell damn ticklish I swear and I told that person I'm not doing classic anymore, besides my foot/feet seems clean . Don't have so much "white stuff" from the bottom of my foot coming out.

Always wanted to try this ): But I've short nails now but overall still o-kay. If long nails it will be perfect. Poslish from nfu oh ( I think, or is it China Glaze... Aiya can't remember lah)

Pretty nails make me very happy (: (: (: Here goes...

Purplish blue with shitloads of spamming gilttery on it. Hope it last...

For my leg, I couldn't decide on which colour . So i told her I wanted dark with glitter. And I got this.
Not very nice, still prefer my previous one. (It was dark blue with a lil tone of purple...)
The best thing was that she helped to cut my in-grow toe nail . Hohoho.
I foresee pretty toe nail in the future, not > :

It's a sad thing that they dont carry holographic posh. FYI holo is OMFGvery-very-the-nice x 100!!

I think i will blind everyboady with this!! Even my bf, so that he won't look at other girls. Muahaha.
Another of my fav but I dont think they have also will be super duper dark green/blue.
Yep, I blogged before about it here[sapphireinthesnow.jpg]

Alright that's about it now. Gonna head to bed with my bf, not ! Hahaha.

Photo credits to respective photo owners who have stamped their names on the pictures.

Till my next photolouge/nailouge !! 
<3 Syl

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