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18 August, 2010

Holiday Glow

Welcome my newly painted nails (:
Got my nailzzz done @ amk

OPI Holiday Glow. (If I'm not wrong)
Awesome colour, it appears to be a rich brownish/greyish base with tiny shit tons of shimmer.
(Can't figure out how many colours are there but i spotted green -_- )
The medicurist said that it will turn (really) dark green when indoors. And i saw a tiny bit of green too!
Hope I'm not hallucinating. Anyway it's pretty in real life.
The pictures don't really capture how cool this is. Totally unique.

Oh, and my toe nails ?? 

It's a deep deep purple shade with little speckles of purple and red shimmer, from OPI too. But it appears to be blue to me. It's pretty too! 2 pictures only cos I've fat, ugly and uneven toe nails ):
Due to ingrown nail
FYI, that's why my 2 big fat toe nails are slanted at the sides.
Haha, itchy finger me always pill the sides.

Will be going back there to change into a new colour, since it's so near to dearie's workplace.
I want a dual-toned polish ): Or maybe a holographic nails!
China Glaze Let’s Do It In 3D is so OMFG PRETTY!!
Like this!!

And since I'm in the polish topic, let me show you some of my fav colourssss!
( Love dark solid colours)
Here goes...

Beyond Jealous By MAC. LOVEEEE! Pretty dark green (:

Oh, and to summarize my day (17/08) Went out with Xinyi and Tingwen to get Lichen's and Boyfriend's present . Sigh!! Yes, was suppose to be a surprise but he saw the Takashimaya bag inside my bag ): He exposed me while we are going for our dinner
(at the same spot whereby i bluff him about not getting a watch on our 1st year anni) . ): ): ):
No more surprise idiot!!
My hp cover look so newwww now (cos i got a new one) and my 3rd screen protector <:

Photo credits to respective photo owners who have stamped their names on the pictures.

Till my next photolouge/nailouge !! 
<3 Syl

Ps; Sean will be having his FIRST driving lesson tmr and he's having the same instructor as me on my FIRST lesson. Cool. And I'll be driving tomorrowwww. Excited much

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