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14 October, 2010

A Day In My Life

My day started off when B called me, waking me up when I was dreaming waiting for my tutu kueh to be ready ): I've no idea what I've dreamt but I remember I was driving a stupid mini car and almost killed all the peepooo inside and after that I went to order tu tu kueh!! Heh!!

Anyway, hey I've finally finally chop chop bought my blingzzz!! In pink (: I got so happy and excited to bling up almost every stuff that came into my mind. Happy as in smiling to myself, kind of ?! It's authentic Swarovski crystal by the way ( I hope ) and remember to bargain with the indo uncle. Haha, he's abit blur blur one lor.

They got lotsa crystal with diff size and colour . I wanted to get the pink and original colour but B only allow me to buy one pkts ( 144 tiny beads inside ) He thinks that I'm gonna give up half way, I think hes right. It's so fucking hard to bling la wtf.

The man said 144 inside. I looked at him and told B "Eh you believe got 144 meh, go count la"
B : -____-
Actually, I was trying to count when I'm blinging my stuff.. but I give up half way lah.

Had Ice cream at Haji Lane < : Horlick ice-cream is

He look so cute here (:

today. So we have to rush to do our shopping. To Wisma to get my comfy pair of shoe, Isetan Scott to get his Levi's Jeans and belt for Chris
*note to self : Help him to collect next week*, Taka to get Perfume for Jude ( They didn't have the miniature bottle for woman ): ) Hmmm, brought a bag at Cine (Finally!!) and watched
"Reign of Assassins" not bad but I still prefer "Detective Dee..."

Poor boy carrying our stuff alone (: Hehhhh.

HAHAHA!! Cute nails ~

"Love your ride ~ ~" *Ding ding*

Took a photo of my bf... He blew my screen -__-

Revenge!! Took an unglam photo of him. Hohoho!!

First meal of the day... at 12 AM
It's our lunch plus dinner plus supper

Happy me with my crystal < :

Trying out on different stuff before sticking on my camera. I got no glue so I tried using transparent nail polish and falsie glue. FYI, pls use nail polish instead.

Okay. (: (: (: (: Going out with Iris later, a movie date!!

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