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12 October, 2010

5 Things to be happy about today...

1) I was browsing around at Kinokuniya for 1 hour plus ( almost ) and really tempted to get a book about crime and murder ): But Bi was not keen about it and he said that it's useless for me to buy a book -_-

I will read, I really really will !

2) Meet Bi for dinner at 2nd world best prawn mee, but it was closed. Had fish ball noodle instead
( noodle too soft, failed. )

3) Did polka dots nails like FINALLY ( a dream come true kind of feeling ) I can't stop complimenting about it. When ever I send an SMS I will tend to say, "omg such a cute nails" and Bi was so annoyed by it ):

Also, because of my dry and brittle nails, I brought  "Nail Tek" ):

Bi and me both agree that pink
polka dots look nicer. I shall stick to single tone next time

(Left hand)

Cute isn't it

(Right hand)

Too cute (:

4) New screen protector, the 4th one but 1st to be a normal one. ( The last 3 were all matt ) Also means that I can use the front camera to take picture lor. Hoho !!

Sorry dear, promise this will be the last one ): Heehee.

5) This sucks, I dropped my phone and crack my case ): I can't bling the cover anymoreee!! But hey, I'm gonna get a new one on Wed. And poor phone gonna be in the pink, fat cover again (:

P/s; Just gonna add one more. Got 2 new polishes ( under peer pressure ):  HAHAHA!!)
Love the Bluez and the Blingz. Oh double 'B'

Not sure when I'll paint my nails myself. Currently hook onto medi AMK

Kay, Goodnight!!

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