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14 October, 2010

Photoshop is a Genius

Or rather, the person who created Photoshop is a Genius . And I Googled about photoshope. Read this and this . Hoho, it all started with codes. Like wth man. Maybe I will be the next Photoshop 2 creator. HAHAHA. ( I know codes but it's like super limited )

I got so bored at home and I was playing with photoshop.

Anyway. Some random photos 2 weeks back (Ah! I'm hungry now)

Cooking session at Tingwen's house. Watched a killing movie before that. We girls always love to watch thriller/ horror type.

Spaghetti for dinner. I cooked the "mee" Sean and Xinyi cooked the sauce .
Tingwen was slacking (: hahaha!!

The overall.

It's how funny how Xinyi said this CP brand chicken is nice and we thought that she tried it before.
And when we were cooking this, she has no idea how to cook and she told us she never tried before.

One of the Sat. Bling nailz <3

Shared a cappuccino mushroom soup.

Had my all time fav.. aglio olio from NYNY

Des 21th party. I'm surprise that I saw Esther there. Both of them are sec school friends.

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