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27 October, 2010

Back to school

School started yesterday and I'm totally not use to the waking up early kind of thing ): I will fall asleep during lectures ( 2 gone ) but I manage to listen to the MDAD lecture (which was good)
I hate 8AM lesson cos I sleep lesser, wake up earlier and I've to suffer the cold wind blowing after I finish bathing ): Poor me!!

Lesson was super boring. At least I don't get teacher with weird accent this sem (Awesome!) But having to combine classes with same elective suck ttm . Being group together, or worst see the same ppl that I don't really like really omfgsuckttm!! Like "A" girl is in my class wtf?
And and (you-know-who) too!

Yesterday after school me and Tingwen went shopping . She went to see the Jap phone
Saw some of these phones over there. But the one Tingwen was eyeing one ... I couldn't find that model.
It's super

Not sure if it's this but both of them are pink which is

Aiya, really couldn't find that model. Just use your imagination lor. It's a flip phone (Jap has lotsa flip phones and comes with prettyyyy colours!) Multi illumination at the sides, very classy finishing that looks like glass. 12.1 mp camera that has editing tool like making face slim/eye big. Hmmm. And the screen can turn 180 degree so that you can look at yourself when taking pictures ^ ^ Too bad it's not waterproof and doesn't come with pink. They only got black, white and gold.
The model I want they don't have. ): Pink waterproof(plus slim) one very hard to find mehhhh

softbank 841SH

World's slimmest waterproof phone. Sexy eh? The middle one is so not red please. ITS PINK!!

If not. Anything thing as cute as this is

Enough of my hp nonsense, make me wanna change one too ): But what about Iphone 4???
Sighhhhh. I want the gamesssss....

Oh just realise that my right wrist got a obvious dent which cause a hole when I bend my wrist -__-
I need to stop neglect my health and see a sinseh soon. And I've to take a blood test on Sat ):

Another thing is that I booked my TP on 29th Dec 2010. So its either I end my 2010 happily getting my licence or I don't. But I really really hope that I can pass ): I've booked many many slot to finish my lesson FYI my instructor book TP like so sudden I didn't know he book it so fast and now I've to rush like mad cos I haven touch my mod 3 (parking and stuff) So stress !!!

Kay shall end here now. Sleepppppp!! 2 days to Friday. Jiayouzzzz!!
Seeing my baby tomorrow = xlb heh. Rainbow colour oneeeee!!

P/s HH got nice tops again!! Hope I won't miss this time round. Pretty pleaseeee. Kimono top, cardigan and more cardigan, knit throwoverrrrr


Ting wen said...

That model is SH-01b la

Sylvia said...

LOL. Okkkkkk