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29 September, 2010

Yesterday and Today...

Suppose to go out with B on Monday, but he last min got called back to work ): Sad.
So after driving, I headed home and till night I went down to find him had dinner @ ... HK cafe. Didn't had my fav maggi mee, tried out their curry with bread.

Camwhore abit before the food came < :

And today. Work was totally boring ): No sales ): x 100
B came and we had dinner at Crystal Jade. They got super nice yam chicken there.
Hoho, he sent me home after that. Watched "公主嫁到" eps 25 (:
I'm a happy girl, got I got good food for 2 consecutive day. Heh! Poor me have been eating bread during work ): Stupid Taka.

p/s; Hope I get my pay soon man. And..
Damn, why must the take so long to finish the whole drama.

p/s 2; I'm waiting for Tingwen to upload USS pictureeeee before she fly off to TW in..7 days.
Miss Youuu!! HAHA

Good night everybody, good night baby, good night to myself


Unknown said...

eh. Why private your blog?

Sylvia said...

Cos I need to redo my blogskin. HAHA