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27 September, 2010

My Make-up bag

Pretty random post I know. I've never blog about this before and now, I shall reveal it all. Muahaha.
I just feel like taking pictures of things around me (yep including my make up bag) and decided to blog this. Hohoho. But well, what's inside the bag is not what I always wear but it just happen to be inside at the right time/ place. (And plus I'm doing my make up in my study room -__-)

My love-at-first-sight bag I got recently (not so recent...) from M)phosis. I like it cos it has alot of compartment. And after that I regretted cos I don't use any of it, I just dump my make-up inside -_-

HAHAHA!! I'm actually surprise that it can hold so much stuff. Aiya, when i zipped it up, it look like
"bao bar zhang"

Let the eyes reveal all things...
I'm very particular about eye make up, but I'm also super lazy to make it perfect. I dont like to put mascara cos I hate to remove it. I love eyeliner especially Majolica Majorca(MM), the best ever. the line doesn’t fade as easily as with other eyeliners, fine brush glides over lids easily and I believe that it's waterproof/water resistant. (Cos I went swimming with it before, haha. Face didn't soke into water consider not?) I can't live without it!!

1. Eyebrown shaver (??) Is that the technical term for it??
2. Eyebrown pencil. I've really little browns and if I don't draw it I will look as if I've none of it at all.
I brought it quite awhile ago (for fun) Didn't used it till like till year I guess. Gonna change to Kate's eyebrow power sonner or later. I heard that it's better
3. Mascara. I think I got this is because the sales person said that it's good for the eye. It doesn't have harsh chemicals and toxic ingredients. I think it's not bad as long as I spam it on my lashes, but I hardly does that and it also depends on my mood actually.
4. Love of my life. MM liner (: One of this stick can use quite long too. Best buy ever man
5. Eyelash curler
6. Eyeshadow brush
7 and 8. Eyeshadows - The colour that I've been using for the pass few days. I only use the purple colour cos my boyf likes it. HAHAHA!! Normally I used brown but I'm in love with blue shadow or anything that's glittery
9. Another love of my life (: Bobbi Brown gel eyeshadow . The best gilttery one i had so far and it last like... till the next morning. LOL! It's REALLY REALLY good.

Started using BB cream again cos I found it was gathering dust at one corner of my room. SPF 30 and it helps my foundation stays longer(I think)
Za foundation is the best.

Canmake blusher. Don't use blusher often cos it's not in my make up dictionary! No lah. Actually my face will turn red once the fondation wear off, idk why. So no need blusher lor. Then why did i brought this? I find it really cute and I like the colour. HAHA.

These are just useless. Left over gloss for teacher's day. And lipbalm , hardly use it. I have another one in my room. PASSIONFRUIT balm from bodyshop, heehee. Love the smell

Yep that's all for my bag, it only can fit these much. The rest are at my room. But these are what I use mainly. Hmm. Okay, I'm hungry and I've driving lesson tmr ): Good night!! & LIPSTIX, Sylvie

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