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04 July, 2010

The worst breakout ever !!

Like the title suggest, I've the worst breakout ever ): It's pretty bad, like all over my forehead my left cheek and my chin and one above my mouth . I can't help but to cover them up with makeup and thus making it worst. 

BAMMM! Kennieeeee fat faceeee. Muahahaha.

Double BAMMM ! My fat face. !!

Can't remember what i did this week besides stoning studying in school.
Impromptu movie date with Tingwen and Xin yi plus Sean. We caught "9 temples"
a thai horror movie, Sean was being a nice boyf by accompany Xinyi to watch horror movie
The movie was such a disappointment, not the best thai horror i've watch. It's not even scary ):

However, the got a HAWTTTTT actress. Love her stylezzz
I bet Diyanaaa will melt when she saw the accessories on her mannnn.

We gonna watch another horror again! Weeee~
A korean one next time

After that I headed down to AMK for another movie date with my dear boyf. As i reach earlier,

i got myself a shorts and covered shoe for school. Love the shop over there, their shoes are so pretty, love pretty wedge shoes they're selling. (It's the same one at FEP) and pretty tops which are way way over priceeeee. But still ♥ big times. HAHAHA

The Legend Is Born: Ip Man
Yip Man chinchyun (original title)

It was such a nice show. FYI, i'm not a IP MAN fan,didnt even watch part 1 and 2...

over crowded cinema ): Blame all the Twilight fans/ Edward fans. All tix were sold-out!!
Same goes to "Night and day" -___-

Baby got me a super over-price polariod flim -____- like wtf 15.50 for this
the hello kitty ones cost only 14.50 bucks. _|_ that seller.

A "cute" skirt from F21 (According to him) he said it look really 女人 on me and insist that i get one.
I dont really like it, but to please his 女-人-look fetish , i give in and he pay. Hahahaha!
The price of asking me to buy the things i dont like uhhhh!
Oh, i saw a really pretty toga dress at F21 tooooo. But he said not niceeee.
I told xin yi about it and she also like toga dress!! Boy, what's wrong with guy's taste anyway.

I told dearie about the hong kong ver of Monopoly and we got the "ang-more" version of it!!

A gift from him as well. This is loveeeeee!! Like really. Although i still like the flower ones, he said this is nicer so i got this lorrrr. AND AND AND AND, HE GOT ME THE FLOWER ONE THE NEXT DAYYYYY. MUAHAHAHAHA. Thanksssss dear dearrrrrrr.

The day before i saw this and thought that i was pink, i fell in love with it.
And the next day bi got it for me (SURPRISE) its not pink its gold -_____-

Still love it cos its my darling bf got it for me!
It's still funny when i recall how he keep saying that the flower ear ring is nicer and stuff.
And i keep saying that i want to get it and ta-ta he pass me this lil silver bag with my lil gold flowerrrrrr!

I still cant believe that i saw GOLD as PINKKKKK. OMG
Maybe next time if i drive i will see RED as PINK! AMBER as GOLD.... GREEN as BLUE ??!!

Randommzzz, got this like last last week. AWESOME! I wanna get the new serum.
I'm becoming like a essential freak!! But it's really good i swear!

And VIVI loveeee. Their make up = awesome!

Baking pasta with mama. We got fav MUSHROOM X2 types and Ham and helllotsof cheese
Oh, and prawns and my FAV bouncy bouncy fishballzzzz.

Ultra cuteness sticker i got for sissyyyyy-sterrr.

Got these yesterday. Cool wipes.

And pretty blusher.

Hell love my baby camera, it capture the bling like omggggzzz. PRETTYYYY!

Random in schoolzzz.

Tingwen in the front page of the TP mag for sec 4 !!

My new drink that made me excited !! HAHA. Too bad only Design school sells it.
Oh, i got myself a huge-ass 1.5 lites of this at home, so no worries!!

HOPE YA LIKE THE GIFT (aiya, i know u love it lahhhh. HAHAHA)

Chop chop goodddd byeeeee (: I'm having maggie mee and pizza hut mama tabao for me! & LIPSTIX, Sylvie

1 comment :

Anonymous said...

Hi Sylvie,

May I know if you'd be interested in modelling for blogshop?

Shoots will take place 2 - 3 times a month and each shoot takes ard 2 hours. Do quote me an expected hourly rate if interested (:


Email me at