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28 June, 2010

Another 18-year-old friend

Bloody hell, Sex and the City 2 is showing at most of the GV lor, someone still tell me that its not showing anymore. Dont feel like watching then say lah, wtf.


Celebrated Sean's bday @ Swensen last week. Hello Sean, HAPPY BIRTHDAY YEA??
He's finally legal 18.

If i remember correctly, i think we did out software design till very late.
Great ways to celebrate birthday uh. HAHAHA!!

Didnt bring my camera along, so its all taken with TingWen's camera BY ME! HAHA.
It quite funny that she didnt take pictures but its me who took all of these (mostly)

XinYi's and yours truly Aglio Oilo (again) But Swensen ones is healthier.
NYNY ones is with white wine.. Both were yum-yum but still love NYNY ones

Sean's chicken. & LIPSTIX, Sylvie

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