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13 October, 2011

Our Eggy Adventure at Hatched

Kenny and I had a huge fight the day before and Hatched was our make up brunch! Suppose to have McDonald's for breakfast but I was late. Thank God I was late 'cos Hatched was a better choice.


Took quite a while to get to Hatched. My stupid TomTom (btw, its a gps) couldn't not locate the place ): Had to use Google map instead.
Lucky for me! B loves the place and the food so we might be going back there again YAY!!

Both of us choose Scrambled eggs.  Love tomatoes with olives. The mash was awesome too!!

Tried to eat the scrambled eggs on its own hoping that it will turned out like B's but nooooooo.
You are suppose to eat it together. IT WAS GOOD! Seriously. However, the salmon was too salty (but I still think it's because I added salt to the eggs. Oh wells) But if you mixed it with the bread and egg together It was .... GOOD.

B love love love love the sauteed potatoes. He conquered the whole of it. I'm more towards mash. TYVM!
*drooling over food now*

Drumlets. 7 pcs for around 10 bucks? Pretty normal drumlets that taste like... BBQ sauces?
Saw the mash? LOVEZIT!
Most of their meal comes with mash/potatoes, basically they're high in carbo hence you will feel full and bloated after the meal.

Love having brunch at interesting places. Shall travel around with B in search of good food. I only have so much time left ): gonna repeat the student life again zzz
A day well spent brings happy sleep

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