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12 October, 2011

Junko Furuta: The Girl Who Went through 44 days of Torture

Was looking around Facebook and saw an article about this poor girl, Junko Furuta. Went to Google about her name, read the article about her and my heart sink ): I'm always thinking why God allows such thing happen to a poor girl but yet the murderers get to flee?
Why innocent girl like her suffers? The world is so unfair. I've so many questions to ask God.

On November 25, 1988, four boys, including Jō Kamisaku, then 17 (Kamisaku was a new family name he took after being released from prison), abducted and held Furuta, a second-year high school (11th grade) student from Misato, Saitama Prefecture, for 44 days. They kept her captive in the house owned by the parents of Kamisaku, located in the Ayase district of Adachi, Tokyo.

To forestall a manhunt, one of them forced Furuta into calling her own parents and telling them that she had run away from home, but was with "a friend" and was not in danger. He also browbeat her into posing as the girlfriend of one of the boys when his (Kamisaku's) parents were around, but when he was sure they would not call the police, he dropped the pretext. Furuta tried to escape several times, begging the parents to help her, but they did nothing, apparently out of fear that Yokoyama would hurt them. Yokoyama was at the time a low-level yakuza leader and had bragged that he could use his connections to kill anyone who interfered.[citation needed]

According to their statements at their trial, the four of them raped her, beat her with metal rods and golf clubs, introduced foreign objects including a light bulb into her vagina, made her eat cockroaches and drink her own urine, inserted fireworks into her anus and set them off, forced Furuta to masturbate, cut her nipple with pliers, dropped dumbbells onto her stomach, and burned her with cigarettes and lighters. One of the burnings was punishment for attempting to call the police. It was also stated that some time after the first acts of torture, she became unable to drink water, which would cause her to vomit whenever she attempted to do so. At one point her injuries were so severe that according to one of the boys it took more than an hour for her to crawl downstairs to use the bathroom. They also related that "possibly a hundred different people" knew that Furuta had been imprisoned there, but it is not clear if this means they visited the house at different times while she was imprisoned there, or themselves either raped or abused her. When the boys refused to let her leave, she begged them on several occasions to "kill (her) and get it over with".[citation needed]

On January 4, 1989, using a loss at mahjong solitaire, the four beat her with an iron barbell, poured lighter fluid on her legs, arms, face and stomach, and set her on fire. She died later that day of shock. The four boys claimed that they were not aware of how badly injured she was, and that they believed she had been malingering.[citation needed]

On January 5, the killers hid her corpse in a 55-gallon drum filled with concrete; the perpetrators disposed the drum in a tract of reclaimed land in Kōtō, Tokyo.

They served only 7 to 8 years in prison and now are free like a bird. In July 2004, Kamisaku, the main culprit was arrested for assaulting. Hello obviously this guy never learn his lesson, why not lock him up forever??
I wonder, how can they still lead a normal carefree life when they had killed an innocent girl. Are they not guilty of what they've done? What were they thinking at that point of time?

Japanese, guys... they really totally freak me out sometimes. RIP Junko-san.


Anonymous said...

She was in 12th grade also they got higher sentences from higher courts.

This case is disgusting and makes me ask why japan is so obsessed with rape and stranger perverted sexual things including abuse and such.

Sylvia said...

TOTALLY! Japan is such an advance country but yet there are full of weirdos ):

I posted another Jap guy Issei Sagawa
who in 1981 murdered and cannibalized a Dutch woman. And guess what? He now lives in Tokyo and is a minor celebrity in Japan..WTFFFFF!!