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23 October, 2011

I Feel Naked Without ...

Love dressing up? No? Yes? Whatever reasons you can find but I've 5 main reasons why girls should dress up!

1) Because life’s too short to blend in. Don’t just settle for average.

2) Because you deserve to look your best at all times.

3) Because cute clothes and accessories are a great conversation starter. Wear something fabulous and people will ask you where you got it.

4) Because it’s fun!

5) Lastly, nothing beats the rush you feel when you look in the mirror and LOVE what you see.

Are there certain pieces that you simply cannot walk out of the house without?

For me, it will definitely be my watch. My mom gave it to me last year and ever since then, I've never walked out of my house without it. ( Well, maybe once or twice it slipped off my mind. Not too often, really)

You don't need anything fanciful, a plain black watch will do the trick.
Staying chic with printed maxi. Not much of accessories too.

Turquoise colored watch really stands out in her girly outfit.

The same watch on a different outfit, more towards casual piece.
I can simply use the sentence " Less is more "
Sometimes, it's not necessary to throw in chunks of accessories (:

It's hard to find a good versatile watch that act as a great accessory to go with what you wear everyday.
Ha! Don't worry, Casio Brings in 8 different watches to match your personality.

Personally, I love watch A (BGA-130-1B)
Plain and simple. And the bonus? Cute pink numbers!!
Black indeed is the most versatile color, you will never go wrong with it.
A hint of pink which brings out the cuteness in you *wink*

2nd favorite will be watch C (BGA-130-4B)
A watch in my favorite color?! Need me to say anymore?

Lastly, it would definitely be a chic red watch G (BGA-200PD-4B)

For those who know me, red is not my color. I've never like red but slowly as I grow older, I started to appreciate this color.
Red is the color of prosperity and joy. It's classic!

With it's unique square-shaped frame, cool contrast color numeric and BOLD RED COLORED
What's not to like?

So tell me, what style speaks of your personality?
Sometimes Cute, Sometimes Cool?
There is  Casio Baby-G for everyone who is proud to have a style of their own.

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