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23 October, 2011


A small gathering with relatives, awesome home-cooked food, great wine... that's life :D
Oh now I'm a PRO (inside joke) 'cos I manage to jailbreak my cousin's phone!! It's my first time helping people to jailbreak phones. I know, both my itouch and iphone are jailbroken but both not done by me!! Heehee

Short update before Kenny pick me up for dinner. STEAMBOAT! One of my favorite! Table full of food yumz yumz, half way through lunch/dinner (we started eating around 4pm?) I played CNY songs and WOW we went crazy. Haha. Really got the CNY mood lah.
Come to think of it, 4 more months to CNY!

My-super-awesome-po po-that-knows-how-to-cook-YUMMYZ-food!
She's high on alcohol. HAHAHA

Hai nobody wants to take photo with me. SIGH #sadlife ):

Heh. That's all for now. Gonna watch FOOTLOOSE with my sister tomorrow. Sneak Preview :D

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