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29 July, 2011

SKSS Homecoming Dinner 2011

TGIF people !!! I'm always looking forward to weekends 'cos that means REST and MORE REST!
This week passes real fast and soon by Monday, we will be stepping into the month of August! Seriously, I can wait till MP is over. I NEED A LONG BREAK ):

Any-o-way, I broke my own record this week by having prawn mee 4 times straight!! So proud of myself but yet so sick of prawns now. On a happier note, Kenny came down and had lunch with us on Wednesday. It's his first time there (: (: (: YES I'm really happy for that (:

Their old place. I remembered when I was a kid I always begged my dad to bring me there.
He hates it 'cos the place was sooooo crowded during weekends and it takes quite awhile to get a seat.

For those who're interested.
Joo Chiat Prawn Mee
15 Crane Road (:
Close every Tuesday
(p/s Its a pretty small coffee shop in between landed houses...)

SKSS Homecoming Dinner.
I treasured this bunch of people. They're the meanest person you ever known but yet what came out from their mouth is only truth (Well, most of the times) We seldom meet up but still held close to each other.
We enjoy laughing at each other misfortune but that doesn't spoils our friendship.

Reminiscing the good old times. Till then xx

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