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27 July, 2011

Random Update!

Nothing much but just a few pictures. Ting came over just now to do my hair. She tried like a few curlers (different size) And did some eye make up for me. We took some photos and my face look like shit ): Horrible face I have ): SIGH!!

Took this on our way to dinner.

And prawn mee at Joo Chiat LOVE IT!! Now Tingwen also fell in love with it.
Had this like twice in a row. Had prawn mee today, again @ Mensa (and might be having it again tmr. Love it but still...)

Steamboat with Ting. I'm such a good friend, even though I've sore throat but still went. BBQ throughout the night (:

Ting and I had 4 plates of Zha Man Tou . YUMMYZZ!

Thai Food at Nakhon Kitchen. LOVE IT!

Been there since young ♥♥♥ Here's a picture of their old place.

Daddy and I. He's still fooling around with me lol. Pardon the price tag.
Take 1 : Mommy said it's too ugly with the tag.

Take 2: Lol better!!

Kind of remind me of Paris Hilton!



Unknown said...

ahh. i want some ya kun and tom yam!!!

Sylvia said...

YAKUN's half boiled egg is nice!!